Miguel Rubio-Roy
Miguel Rubio-Roy
Research Engineer at CNRS
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Scalable templated growth of graphene nanoribbons on SiC
M Sprinkle, M Ruan, Y Hu, J Hankinson, M Rubio-Roy, B Zhang, X Wu, ...
Nature nanotechnology 5 (10), 727-731, 2010
Single-shot all-optical switching of magnetization in Tb/Co multilayer-based electrodes
L Avilés-Félix, A Olivier, G Li, CS Davies, L Álvaro-Gómez, M Rubio-Roy, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 5211, 2020
Reversible optical doping of graphene
A Tiberj, M Rubio-Roy, M Paillet, JR Huntzinger, P Landois, M Mikolasek, ...
Scientific Reports 3, 2355, 2013
Industrial Plasma Technology
Y Kawai, H Ikegami, N Sato, A Matsuda, K Uchino, M Kuzuya, A Mizuno
Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2010
Integration of Tb/Co multilayers within optically switchable perpendicular magnetic tunnel junctions
L Avilés-Félix, L Álvaro-Gómez, G Li, CS Davies, A Olivier, M Rubio-Roy, ...
Aip Advances 9 (12), 2019
Effects of environmental conditions on fluorinated diamond-like carbon tribology
M Rubio-Roy, C Corbella, E Bertran, S Portal, MC Polo, E Pascual, ...
Diamond and Related Materials 18 (5-8), 923-926, 2009
Plasma parameters of pulsed-dc discharges in methane used to deposit diamondlike carbon films
C Corbella, M Rubio-Roy, E Bertran, JL Andújar
Journal of Applied Physics 106 (3), 2009
Diamond like carbon films deposited from graphite target by asymmetric bipolar pulsed-DC magnetron sputtering
M Rubio-Roy, C Corbella, J Garcia-Céspedes, MC Polo, E Pascual, ...
Diamond and related materials 16 (4-7), 1286-1290, 2007
Carbon nanotubes grown by asymmetric bipolar pulsed-DC PECVD
J García-Céspedes, M Rubio-Roy, MC Polo, E Pascual, JL Andújar, ...
Diamond and related materials 16 (4-7), 1131-1135, 2007
Magneto-optical enhancement by plasmon excitations in nanoparticle/metal structures
M Rubio-Roy, O Vlasin, O Pascu, JM Caicedo, M Schmidt, AR Goñi, ...
Langmuir 28 (24), 9010-9020, 2012
Tracking within Hadronic Showers in the CALICE SDHCAL prototype using a Hough Transform Technique
Z Deng, Y Li, Y Wang, Q Yue, Z Yang, D Boumediene, C Carloganu, ...
Journal of Instrumentation 12 (05), P05009, 2017
Beam test performance of the highly granular SiW-ECAL technological prototype for the ILC
K Kawagoe, Y Miura, I Sekiya, T Suehara, T Yoshioka, S Bilokin, J Bonis, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2020
Unraveling the influence of electronic and magnonic spin-current injection near the magnetic ordering transition of IrMn metallic antiferromagnets
O Gladii, L Frangou, G Forestier, RL Seeger, S Auffret, I Joumard, ...
Physical Review B 98 (9), 094422, 2018
Modifying surface properties of diamond-like carbon films via nanotexturing
C Corbella, S Portal-Marco, M Rubio-Roy, E Bertran, G Oncins, MA Vallvé, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 44 (39), 395301, 2011
Fluorinated DLC deposited by pulsed-DC plasma for antisticking surface applications
M Rubio-Roy, E Bertran, E Pascual, MC Polo, JL Andújar
Diamond and Related Materials 17 (7-10), 1728-1732, 2008
Structured epitaxial graphene growth on SiC by selective graphitization using a patterned AlN cap
M Rubio-Roy, F Zaman, Y Hu, C Berger, MW Moseley, JD Meindl, ...
Applied Physics Letters 96 (8), 2010
Self-induced inverse spin Hall effect in ferromagnets: Demonstration through nonmonotonic temperature dependence in permalloy
O Gladii, L Frangou, A Hallal, RL Seeger, P Noël, G Forestier, S Auffret, ...
Physical Review B 100 (17), 174409, 2019
Influence of incident ion beam angle on dry etching of silica sub-micron particles deposited on Si substrates
S Portal, M Rubio-Roy, C Corbella, MA Vallvé, J Ignes-Mullol, E Bertran
Thin Solid Films 518 (5), 1543-1548, 2009
Low friction and protective diamond-like carbon coatings deposited by asymmetric bipolar pulsed plasma
C Corbella, M Rubio-Roy, E Bertran, MC Polo, E Pascual, JL Andújar
Diamond and related materials 18 (5-8), 1035-1038, 2009
Shower development of particles with momenta from 15 GeV to 150 GeV in the CALICE scintillator-tungsten hadronic calorimeter
Journal of Instrumentation 10 (P12006), 2015
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