Elena Plis
Elena Plis
Georgia Tech Research Institute
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Ultrathin compound semiconductor on insulator layers for high-performance nanoscale transistors
H Ko, K Takei, R Kapadia, S Chuang, H Fang, PW Leu, K Ganapathi, ...
Nature 468 (7321), 286-289, 2010
nBn structure based on InAs∕ GaSb type-II strained layer superlattices
JB Rodriguez, E Plis, G Bishop, YD Sharma, H Kim, LR Dawson, ...
Applied Physics Letters 91 (4), 2007
Performance improvement of longwave infrared photodetector based on type-II InAs/GaSb superlattices using unipolar current blocking layers
N Gautam, HS Kim, MN Kutty, E Plis, LR Dawson, S Krishna
Applied Physics Letters 96 (23), 2010
Mid-IR focal plane array based on type-II InAs∕ GaSb strain layer superlattice detector with nBn design
HS Kim, E Plis, JB Rodriguez, GD Bishop, YD Sharma, LR Dawson, ...
Applied Physics Letters 92 (18), 2008
InAs/GaSb Type‐II Superlattice Detectors
EA Plis
Advances in Electronics 2014 (1), 246769, 2014
Quantum confinement effects in nanoscale-thickness InAs membranes
K Takei, H Fang, SB Kumar, R Kapadia, Q Gao, M Madsen, HS Kim, ...
Nano letters 11 (11), 5008-5012, 2011
Bias dependent dual band response from InAs∕ Ga (In) Sb type II strain layer superlattice detectors
A Khoshakhlagh, JB Rodriguez, E Plis, GD Bishop, YD Sharma, HS Kim, ...
Applied Physics Letters 91 (26), 2007
III–V complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor electronics on silicon substrates
J Nah, H Fang, C Wang, K Takei, MH Lee, E Plis, S Krishna, A Javey
Nano letters 12 (7), 3592-3595, 2012
Nanoscale InGaSb heterostructure membranes on Si substrates for high hole mobility transistors
K Takei, M Madsen, H Fang, R Kapadia, S Chuang, HS Kim, CH Liu, ...
Nano letters 12 (4), 2060-2066, 2012
Quantum of optical absorption in two-dimensional semiconductors
H Fang, HA Bechtel, E Plis, MC Martin, S Krishna, E Yablonovitch, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (29), 11688-11691, 2013
Ultrathin body InAs tunneling field-effect transistors on Si substrates
AC Ford, CW Yeung, S Chuang, HS Kim, E Plis, S Krishna, C Hu, A Javey
Applied Physics Letters 98 (11), 2011
Self-aligned, extremely high frequency III–V metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors on rigid and flexible substrates
C Wang, JC Chien, H Fang, K Takei, J Nah, E Plis, S Krishna, ...
Nano letters 12 (8), 4140-4145, 2012
Review of radiation-induced effects in polyimide
EA Plis, DP Engelhart, R Cooper, WR Johnston, D Ferguson, R Hoffmann
Applied Sciences 9 (10), 1999, 2019
Performance improvement of InAs/GaSb strained layer superlattice detectors by reducing surface leakage currents with SU-8 passivation
HS Kim, E Plis, A Khoshakhlagh, S Myers, N Gautam, YD Sharma, ...
Applied Physics Letters 96 (3), 2010
Midwave infrared type-II InAs∕ GaSb superlattice detectors with mixed interfaces
E Plis, S Annamalai, KT Posani, S Krishna, RA Rupani, S Ghosh
Journal of Applied Physics 100 (1), 2006
Mid-infrared InAs/GaSb strained layer superlattice detectors with nBn design grown on a GaAs substrate
E Plis, JB Rodriguez, G Balakrishnan, YD Sharma, HS Kim, T Rotter, ...
Semiconductor Science and Technology 25 (8), 085010, 2010
Passivation techniques for InAs/GaSb strained layer superlattice detectors
EA Plis, MN Kutty, S Krishna
Laser & Photonics Reviews 7 (1), 45-59, 2013
Type II InAs∕ GaSb strain layer superlattice detectors with p-on-n polarity
E Plis, JB Rodriguez, HS Kim, G Bishop, YD Sharma, LR Dawson, ...
Applied Physics Letters 91 (13), 2007
Modeling of electrical characteristics of midwave type II InAs∕ GaSb strain layer superlattice diodes
V Gopal, E Plis, JB Rodriguez, CE Jones, L Faraone, S Krishna
Journal of Applied Physics 104 (12), 2008
InAs/InAsSb strain balanced superlattices for optical detectors: Material properties and energy band simulations
D Lackner, M Steger, MLW Thewalt, OJ Pitts, YT Cherng, SP Watkins, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 111 (3), 2012
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