Kara Moore
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Zitiert von
The spatial spread of invasions: new developments in theory and evidence
A Hastings, K Cuddington, KF Davies, CJ Dugaw, S Elmendorf, ...
Ecology Letters 8 (1), 91-101, 2005
Invasion in a heterogeneous world: resistance, coexistence or hostile takeover?
BA Melbourne, HV Cornell, KF Davies, CJ Dugaw, S Elmendorf, ...
Ecology letters 10 (1), 77-94, 2007
Benchmarking novel approaches for modelling species range dynamics
D Zurell, W Thuiller, J Pagel, JS Cabral, T Münkemüller, D Gravel, ...
Global change biology 22 (8), 2651-2664, 2016
Does probability of occurrence relate to population dynamics?
W Thuiller, T Münkemüller, KH Schiffers, D Georges, S Dullinger, ...
Ecography 37 (12), 1155-1166, 2014
Propagule vs. niche limitation: untangling the mechanisms behind plant species’ distributions
KA Moore, SC Elmendorf
Ecology letters 9 (7), 797-804, 2006
Use of community‐composition data to predict the fecundity and abundance of species
SC Elmendorf, KA Moore
Conservation Biology 22 (6), 1523-1532, 2008
Plant competition varies with community composition in an edaphically complex landscape
SC Elmendorf, KA Moore
Ecology 88 (10), 2640-2650, 2007
Fluctuating patch boundaries in a native annual forb: the roles of niche and dispersal limitation
KA Moore
Ecology 90 (2), 378-387, 2009
Spatial niches and coexistence: testing theory with tarweeds
S Harrison, H Cornell, KA Moore
Ecology 91 (7), 2141-2150, 2010
Landscape structure and genetic architecture jointly impact rates of niche evolution
K Schiffers, FM Schurr, JMJ Travis, A Duputié, VM Eckhart, S Lavergne, ...
Ecography 37 (12), 1218-1229, 2014
Plant competition and facilitation in systems with strong environmental gradients
KA Moore, SC Elmendorf
Serpentine: The evolution and ecology of a model system, 223-236, 2011
Measuring impacts of solar development on desert plants
K Tanner, K Moore, B Pavlik
Fremontia 42, 15-16, 2014
The early history of freight conferences: background and main developments until around 1900
KA Moore
(No Title), 1981
Rare plant diversity in the California deserts: Priorities for research and conservation
KA Moore, JM André
Fremontia 42, 9-14, 2014
Can spatial isolation help predict dispersal‐limited sites for native species restoration?
KA Moore, SP Harrison, SC Elmendorf
Ecological Applications 21 (6), 2119-2128, 2011
Propagule limitation, disparate habitat quality, and variation in phenotypic selection at a local species range boundary
KA Moore, ML Stanton
Plos one 9 (4), e89404, 2014
Measuring and Evaluating Rare Plant Demography in the California Deserts: Implications for Solar Energy Development: Final Project Report
KA Moore, BM Pavlik
California Energy Commission, 2016
Environmental Co-Benefit Opportunities of Solar Energy
RR Hernandez, A Armstrong, JA Burney, SB Easter, MK Hoffacker, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2015, GC53D-1232, 2015
Red maple occurrence and clonal habit among landscape ecosystems, northern lower Michigan
KA Moore
Predicting species range dynamics: Strengths and weaknesses of simple to complex models
D Zurell, W Thuiller, J Pagel, JS Cabral, T Muenkemueller, D Gravel, ...
2017 ESA Annual Meeting (August 6--11), 2017
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