Alejandro Yawny
Alejandro Yawny
División Metales - Centro Atómico Bariloche - CNEA - CONICET
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Structural and functional fatigue of NiTi shape memory alloys
G Eggeler, E Hornbogen, A Yawny, A Heckmann, M Wagner
Materials Science and Engineering: A 378 (1-2), 24-33, 2004
Elementary martensitic transformation processes in Ni-rich NiTi single crystals with Ni4Ti3 precipitates
J Michutta, C Somsen, A Yawny, A Dlouhy, G Eggeler
Acta materialia 54 (13), 3525-3542, 2006
Crack initiation and propagation in 50.9 at. pct Ni-Ti pseudoelastic shape-memory wires in bending-rotation fatigue
TA Sawaguchi, G Kausträter, A Yawny, M Wagner, G Eggeler
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 34, 2847-2860, 2003
Pseudoelastic cycling of ultra-fine-grained NiTi shape-memory wires
A Yawny, M Sade, G Eggeler
International Journal of Materials Research 96 (6), 608-618, 2022
Pseudoelastic fatigue of NiTi wires: frequency and size effects on damping capacity
H Soul, A Isalgue, A Yawny, V Torra, FC Lovey
Smart Materials and Structures 19 (8), 085006, 2010
Martensitic phase transformation in Ni-rich NiTi single crystals with one family of Ni4Ti3 precipitates
J Michutta, MC Carroll, A Yawny, C Somsen, K Neuking, G Eggeler
Materials Science and Engineering: A 378 (1-2), 152-156, 2004
Metastable effects on martensitic transformation in SMA: Part VI. The Clausius-Clapeyron relationship
A Isalgue, V Torra, A Yawny, FC Lovey
Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry 91, 991-998, 2008
On the stress-induced formation of R-phase in ultra-fine-grained Ni-rich NiTi shape memory alloys
J Olbricht, A Yawny, JL Pelegrina, A Dlouhy, G Eggeler
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 42, 2556-2574, 2011
The influence of temperature on the evolution of functional properties during pseudoelastic cycling of ultra fine grained NiTi
J Olbricht, A Yawny, AM Condó, FC Lovey, G Eggeler
Materials Science and Engineering: A 481, 142-145, 2008
The significance of specimen displacement definition on the mechanical properties derived from Small Punch Test
MF Moreno, G Bertolino, A Yawny
Materials & Design 95, 623-631, 2016
Pseudoelastic fatigue of Cu Zn Al single crystals: the effect of concomitant diffusional processes
A Yawny, FC Lovey, M Sade
Materials Science and Engineering: A 290 (1-2), 108-121, 2000
A study of debris and wear damage resulting from fretting of Incoloy 800 steam generator tubes against AISI Type 304 stainless steel
SR Soria, A Tolley, A Yawny
Wear 368, 219-229, 2016
Running condition and material response fretting maps of incoloy 800 steam generator tubes against AISI 304L pads in air and room temperature
SR Soria, A Tolley, A Yawny
Tribology International 135, 408-420, 2019
Pseudoelastic cycling and ageing effects at ambient temperature in nanocrystalline Ni-rich NiTi wire
A Yawny, J Olbricht, M Sade, G Eggeler
Materials Science and Engineering: A 481, 86-90, 2008
Fatigue and martensitic transitions in Cu–Zn–Al and Cu–Al–Ni single crystals: mechanical behaviour, defects and diffusive phenomena
M Sade, C Damiani, R Gastien, FC Lovey, J Malarría, A Yawny
Smart materials and structures 16 (1), S126, 2007
Hydrogen storage employing Mg-10 wt% Ni alloy
JC Bolcich, AA Yawny, HL Corso, HA Peretti, CO Ayala
International journal of hydrogen energy 19 (7), 605-609, 1994
Short crack propagation analysis and fatigue strength assessment of additively manufactured materials: An application to AISI 316L
M Bergant, T Werner, M Madia, A Yawny, U Zerbst
International Journal of Fatigue 151, 106396, 2021
Self-centering and damping capabilities of a tension-compression device equipped with superelastic NiTi wires
H Soul, A Yawny
Smart Materials and Structures 24 (7), 075005, 2015
Applicability of superelastic materials in seismic protection systems: a parametric study of performance in isolation of structures
H Soul, A Yawny
Smart Materials and Structures 26 (8), 085036, 2017
Characteristics of the stress-induced formation of R-phase in ultrafine-grained NiTi shape memory wire
J Olbricht, A Yawny, JL Pelegrina, G Eggeler, VA Yardley
Journal of alloys and compounds 579, 249-252, 2013
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