Aleksi Julku
Aleksi Julku
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Geometric origin of superfluidity in the Lieb-lattice flat band
A Julku, S Peotta, TI Vanhala, DH Kim, P Törmä
Physical review letters 117 (4), 045303, 2016
Bose–Einstein condensation in a plasmonic lattice
TK Hakala, AJ Moilanen, AI Väkeväinen, R Guo, JP Martikainen, ...
Nature Physics 14 (7), 739-744, 2018
Superfluid weight and Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition temperature of twisted bilayer graphene
A Julku, TJ Peltonen, L Liang, TT Heikkilä, P Törmä
Physical Review B 101 (6), 060505, 2020
Surface lattice resonances and magneto-optical response in magnetic nanoparticle arrays
M Kataja, TK Hakala, A Julku, MJ Huttunen, S van Dijken, P Törmä
Nature communications 6 (1), 7072, 2015
Quantum geometry and flat band Bose-Einstein condensation
A Julku, GM Bruun, P Törmä
Physical review letters 127 (17), 170404, 2021
Excitations of a Bose-Einstein condensate and the quantum geometry of a flat band
A Julku, GM Bruun, P Törmä
Physical Review B 104, 144507, 2021
Light-induced topological superconductivity in transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers
A Julku, JJ Kinnunen, A Camacho-Guardian, GM Bruun
Physical Review B 106 (13), 134510, 2022
Polarons and bipolarons in a two-dimensional square lattice
S Ding, GA Domínguez-Castro, A Julku, A Camacho Guardian, GM Bruun
SciPost Physics 14 (6), 143, 2023
Nonlocal interactions and supersolidity of moiré excitons
A Julku
Physical Review B 106 (3), 035406, 2022
Superfluidity of flat band Bose–Einstein condensates revisited
A Julku, G Salerno, P Törmä
Low Temperature Physics 49 (6), 701-713, 2023
Nonlinear optical response of resonantly driven polaron-polaritons
A Julku, MA Bastarrachea-Magnani, A Camacho-Guardian, GM Bruun
Physical Review B 104 (16), L161301, 2021
Superfluid weight and Berezinskii–Kosterlitz–Thouless temperature of spin-imbalanced and spin–orbit-coupled Fulde–Ferrell phases in lattice systems
A Julku, L Liang, P Törmä
New Journal of Physics 20 (8), 085004, 2018
Exciton interacting with a moiré lattice: Polarons, strings, and optical probing of spin correlations
A Julku, S Ding, GM Bruun
Physical Review Research 6 (3), 033119, 2024
Coupling effects in plasmonic nanoparticle arrays: The weak and the strong coupling regime and the effects of spin-orbit coupling
TK Hakala, M Kataja, L Shi, A Julku, HT Rekola, MJ Huttunen, ...
2016 Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS), 3126-3126, 2016
Surface lattice resonance-enhanced magneto-optical effects in Ni nanoparticle arrays
M Kataja, TK Hakala, A Julku, MJ Huttunen, S Van Dijken, P Törmä
2015 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), 192-193, 2015
Condensation of surface lattice resonance excitations
A Julku
Erratum: Excitations of a Bose-Einstein condensate and the quantum geometry of a flat band [Phys. Rev. B 104, 144507 (2021)]
A Julku, GM Bruun, P Törmä
Physical Review B 107 (1), 019901, 2023
Exciton-polaron-polariton condensation
M Bastarrachea-Magnani, A Julku, A Camacho-Guardian, G Bruun
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2022, T34. 009, 2022
Superconductivity in geometrically and topologically nontrivial lattice models
A Julku
Aalto University, 2019
Exact diagonalization study of the interaction of Positronium with hydrogen molecule
A Julku
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