Kenzo Van Craeynest
Kenzo Van Craeynest
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Scheduling heterogeneous multi-cores through Performance Impact Estimation (PIE)
K Van Craeynest, A Jaleel, L Eeckhout, P Narvaez, J Emer
Proceedings of the 39th International Symposium on Computer Architecture …, 2012
Fairness-aware scheduling on single-ISA heterogeneous multi-cores
K Van Craeynest, S Akram, W Heirman, A Jaleel, L Eeckhout
Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on Parallel architectures …, 2013
Barrierpoint: Sampled simulation of multi-threaded applications
TE Carlson, W Heirman, K Van Craeynest, L Eeckhout
2014 IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and …, 2014
Understanding fundamental design choices in single-isa heterogeneous multicore architectures
K Van Craeynest, L Eeckhout
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO) 9 (4), 1-23, 2013
Providing an asymmetric multicore processor system transparently to an operating system
B Ginzburg, I Osadchiy, R Ronen, E Weissmann, M Mishaeli, A Naveh, ...
US Patent 9,720,730, 2017
Undersubscribed threading on clustered cache architectures
W Heirman, TE Carlson, K Van Craeynest, I Hur, A Jaleel, L Eeckhout
2014 IEEE 20th International Symposium on High Performance Computer …, 2014
The multi-program performance model: debunking current practice in multi-core simulation
K Van Craeynest, L Eeckhout
2011 IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC), 26-37, 2011
Boosting the priority of garbage: Scheduling collection on heterogeneous multicore processors
S Akram, JB Sartor, KV Craeynest, W Heirman, L Eeckhout
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO) 13 (1), 1-25, 2016
Automatic SMT threading for OpenMP applications on the Intel Xeon Phi co-processor
W Heirman, TE Carlson, K Van Craeynest, I Hur, A Jaleel, L Eeckhout
Proceedings of the 4th international workshop on runtime and operating …, 2014
MLP-aware runahead threads in a simultaneous multithreading processor
K Van Craeynest, S Eyerman, L Eeckhout
High Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers: Fourth International …, 2009
Chrysso: An integrated power manager for constrained many-core processors
SS Jha, W Heirman, A Falcón, TE Carlson, K Van Craeynest, J Tubella, ...
Proceedings of the 12th ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers, 1-8, 2015
Node performance and energy analysis with the sniper multi-core simulator
TE Carlson, W Heirman, K Van Craeynest, L Eeckhout
Tools for High Performance Computing 2013: Proceedings of the 7th …, 2014
Processor scheduling with thread performance estimation on cores of different types
A Jaleel, K Van Craeynest, P Narvaez, J Emer
US Patent 9,286,128, 2016
K. Koukos A. Ros E. Hagersten
S Kaxiras, Z Wang, X Wang, F Hou, Y Luo, S Chai, M Isnardi, S Lim, ...
ACM Transactions on 13 (1), 2016
Modeling and scheduling heterogeneous multi-core architectures
K Van Craeynest
Ghent University, 2013
Optimaliseren van geheugenparallellisme in een SMT processor.
K Van Craeynest
RETROSPECTIVE: Scheduling Heterogeneous Multi-Cores through Performance Impact Estimation (PIE)
K Van Craeynest, A Jaleel, L Eeckhout, P Narvaez, J Emer
memory 10 (12), 14, 0
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