Benjamin Davidovitch
Benjamin Davidovitch
Professor of Physics, UMass Amherst
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Prototypical model for tensional wrinkling in thin sheets
B Davidovitch, RD Schroll, D Vella, M Adda-Bedia, EA Cerda
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (45), 18227-18232, 2011
Elastic sheet on a liquid drop reveals wrinkling and crumpling as distinct symmetry-breaking instabilities
H King, RD Schroll, B Davidovitch, N Menon
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (25), 9716-9720, 2012
On the stabilization of ion sputtered surfaces
B Davidovitch, MJ Aziz, MP Brenner
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (20), 205420, 2007
Spreading of viscous fluid drops on a solid substrate assisted by thermal fluctuations
B Davidovitch, E Moro, HA Stone
Physical review letters 95 (24), 244505, 2005
Smooth cascade of wrinkles at the edge of a floating elastic film
J Huang, B Davidovitch, CD Santangelo, TP Russell, N Menon
Physical review letters 105 (3), 038302, 2010
Multiple bifurcation types and the linear dynamics of ion sputtered surfaces
CS Madi, B Davidovitch, HB George, SA Norris, MP Brenner, MJ Aziz
Physical Review Letters 101 (24), 246102, 2008
Curvature-induced stiffness and the spatial variation of wavelength in wrinkled sheets
JD Paulsen, E Hohlfeld, H King, J Huang, Z Qiu, TP Russell, N Menon, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (5), 1144-1149, 2016
Time-dependent strength of colloidal gels
S Manley, B Davidovitch, NR Davies, L Cipelletti, AE Bailey, ...
Physical review letters 95 (4), 048302, 2005
Diffusion limited aggregation and iterated conformal maps
B Davidovitch, HGE Hentschel, Z Olami, I Procaccia, LM Sander, E Somfai
Physical Review E 59 (2), 1368, 1999
Slip, yield, and bands in colloidal crystals under oscillatory shear
I Cohen, B Davidovitch, AB Schofield, MP Brenner, DA Weitz
Physical review letters 97 (21), 215502, 2006
Optimal wrapping of liquid droplets with ultrathin sheets
JD Paulsen, V Démery, CD Santangelo, TP Russell, B Davidovitch, ...
Nature materials 14 (12), 1206-1209, 2015
Roadmap to the morphological instabilities of a stretched twisted ribbon
J Chopin, V Démery, B Davidovitch
The Mechanics of Ribbons and Möbius Bands, 137-189, 2016
Capillary deformations of bendable films
RD Schroll, M Adda-Bedia, E Cerda, J Huang, N Menon, TP Russell, ...
Physical review letters 111 (1), 014301, 2013
Capillary interactions among spherical particles at curved liquid interfaces
C Zeng, F Brau, B Davidovitch, AD Dinsmore
Soft Matter 8 (33), 8582-8594, 2012
Indentation of ultrathin elastic films and the emergence of asymptotic isometry
D Vella, J Huang, N Menon, TP Russell, B Davidovitch
Physical review letters 114 (1), 014301, 2015
Geometrically incompatible confinement of solids
B Davidovitch, Y Sun, GM Grason
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (5), 1483-1488, 2019
Universal collapse of stress and wrinkle-to-scar transition in spherically confined crystalline sheets
GM Grason, B Davidovitch
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (32), 12893-12898, 2013
Indentation metrology of clamped, ultra-thin elastic sheets
D Vella, B Davidovitch
Soft Matter 13 (11), 2264-2278, 2017
A comparative analysis of numerical approaches to the mechanics of elastic sheets
M Taylor, B Davidovitch, Z Qiu, K Bertoldi
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 79, 92-107, 2015
Laplacian growth and diffusion limited aggregation: different universality classes
F Barra, B Davidovitch, A Levermann, I Procaccia
Physical review letters 87 (13), 134501, 2001
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