Mark W Horner
Mark W Horner
Earl B. and Sophia H. Shaw Professor of Geography, Department of Geography, Florida State University
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Spatial dimensions of urban commuting: a review of major issues and their implications for future geographic research
MW Horner
The Professional Geographer 56 (2), 160-173, 2004
Extensions to the concept of excess commuting
MW Horner
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 34 (3), 543-566, 2002
Life cycle and environmental factors in selecting residential and job locations
TK Kim, MW Horner, RW Marans
Housing studies 20 (3), 457-473, 2005
Excess commuting and the modifiable areal unit problem
MW Horner, AT Murray
Urban Studies 39 (1), 131-139, 2002
Spatiotemporal accessibility to supermarkets using public transit: an interaction potential approach in Cincinnati, Ohio
MJ Widener, S Farber, T Neutens, M Horner
Journal of Transport Geography 42, 72-83, 2015
Embedding economies of scale concepts for hub network design
MW Horner, ME O'Kelly
Journal of Transport Geography 9 (4), 255-265, 2001
Using urban commuting data to calculate a spatiotemporal accessibility measure for food environment studies
MJ Widener, S Farber, T Neutens, MW Horner
Health & place 21, 1-9, 2013
Optimizing hurricane disaster relief goods distribution: model development and application with respect to planning strategies
MW Horner, JA Downs
Disasters 34 (3), 821-844, 2010
The role of urban form in shaping access to opportunities: An exploratory spatial data analysis
DM Scott, MW Horner
Journal of transport and land use 1 (2), 89-119, 2008
A hierarchical approach to modeling hurricane disaster relief goods distribution
MJ Widener, MW Horner
Journal of Transport Geography 19 (4), 821-828, 2011
Using geographical information system to model the effects of green space accessibility on mortality in Florida
C Coutts, M Horner, T Chapin
Geocarto International 25 (6), 471-484, 2010
Effects of point pattern shape on home‐range estimates
JA Downs, MW Horner
The Journal of Wildlife Management 72 (8), 1813-1818, 2008
Exploring metropolitan accessibility and urban structure
MW Horner
Urban Geography 25 (3), 264-284, 2004
A GIS-based planning approach to locating urban rail terminals
MW Horner, TH Grubesic
Transportation 28, 55-77, 2001
Investigating urban spatial mismatch using job–housing indicators to model home–work separation
MW Horner, JN Mefford
Environment and Planning A 39 (6), 1420-1440, 2007
Network flow-based strategies for identifying rail park-and-ride facility locations
MW Horner, S Groves
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 41 (3), 255-268, 2007
A multi-scale analysis of urban form and commuting change in a small metropolitan area (1990–2000)
MW Horner
The Annals of Regional Science 41, 315-332, 2007
A multi-objective approach to improving regional jobs-housing balance
M Horner, A Murray
Regional Studies 37 (2), 135-146, 2003
Capturing individuals' food environments using flexible space-time accessibility measures
MW Horner, BS Wood
Applied Geography 51, 99-107, 2014
The effects of transportation network failure on people’s accessibility to hurricane disaster relief goods: a modeling approach and application to a Florida case study
MW Horner, MJ Widener
Natural hazards 59, 1619-1634, 2011
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