John Soldatos
John Soldatos
Professor, Honorary Research Fellow, ICT and Business Consultant
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Openiot: Open source internet-of-things in the cloud
J Soldatos, N Kefalakis, M Hauswirth, M Serrano, JP Calbimonte, M Riahi, ...
Interoperability and Open-Source Solutions for the Internet of Things …, 2015
Human-centric artificial intelligence architecture for industry 5.0 applications
JM Rožanec, I Novalija, P Zajec, K Kenda, H Tavakoli Ghinani, S Suh, ...
International journal of production research 61 (20), 6847-6872, 2023
On the building blocks of quality of service in heterogeneous IP networks
J Soldatos, E Vayias, G Kormentzas
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 7 (1), 69-88, 2005
Computers in the human interaction loop
A Waibel, R Stiefelhagen, R Carlson, J Casas, J Kleindienst, L Lamel, ...
Handbook of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, 1071-1116, 2010
Convergence of utility computing with the internet-of-things
J Soldatos, M Serrano, M Hauswirth
2012 Sixth International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet …, 2012
Agent based middleware infrastructure for autonomous context-aware ubiquitous computing services
J Soldatos, I Pandis, K Stamatis, L Polymenakos, JL Crowley
Computer Communications 30 (3), 577-591, 2007
End-to-end industrial IoT platform for Quality 4.0 applications
IT Christou, N Kefalakis, JK Soldatos, AM Despotopoulou
Computers in Industry 137, 103591, 2022
Distributed ledger technology for decentralization of manufacturing processes
M Isaja, J Soldatos
2018 IEEE Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS), 696-701, 2018
Transforming sentiment analysis in the financial domain with ChatGPT
G Fatouros, J Soldatos, K Kouroumali, G Makridis, D Kyriazis
Machine Learning with Applications 14, 100508, 2023
Scalable and configurable end-to-end collection and analysis of IoT security data: towards end-to-end security in IoT systems
A Roukounaki, S Efremidis, J Soldatos, J Neises, T Walloschke, ...
2019 Global IoT Summit (GIoTS), 1-6, 2019
Blockchain technology: financial sector applications beyond cryptocurrencies
A Polyviou, P Velanas, J Soldatos
Proceedings 28 (1), 7, 2019
Internet of things applications in future manufacturing
J Soldatos, S Gusmeroli, P Malo, G Di Orio
Digitising the Industry Internet of Things Connecting the Physical, Digital …, 2022
Design Principles for Data Spaces: Position Paper
L Nagel, JJ Hierro, E Perea, D Lycklama, C Mertens, AS Taillandier, ...
E. ON Energy Research Center, 2021
A breadboard architecture for pervasive context-aware services in smart spaces: middleware components and prototype applications
J Soldatos, N Dimakis, K Stamatis, L Polymenakos
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 11, 193-212, 2007
Defining the stack for service delivery models and interoperability in the Internet of Things: A practical case with OpenIoT-VDK
M Serrano, HNM Quoc, D Le Phuoc, M Hauswirth, J Soldatos, N Kefalakis, ...
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 33 (4), 676-689, 2015
HERMES: Pervasive computing and cognitive training for ageing well
C Buiza, J Soldatos, T Petsatodis, A Geven, A Etxaniz, M Tscheligi
Distributed Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics, Soft …, 2009
Linear versus network scheduling: A critical path comparison
A Kallantzis, J Soldatos, S Lambropoulos
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 133 (7), 483-491, 2007
Fit iot-lab: The largest iot open experimental testbed
E Fleury, N Mitton, T Noel, C Adjih
Ercim News, 4, 2015
Design principles for utility-driven services and cloud-based computing modelling for the Internet of Things
J Soldatos, N Kefalakis, M Serrano, M Hauswirth
International Journal of Web and Grid Services 6 10 (2-3), 139-167, 2014
EMPEROR: An OGSA Grid meta-scheduler based on dynamic resource predictions
L Adzigogov, J Soldatos, L Polymenakos
Journal of Grid computing 3, 19-37, 2005
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