Xiaolei Xie
Xiaolei Xie
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An adaptive large neighborhood search heuristic for the vehicle routing problem with time windows and synchronized visits
R Liu, Y Tao, X Xie
Computers & Operations Research 101, 250-262, 2019
An ARIMA model with adaptive orders for predicting blood glucose concentrations and hypoglycemia
J Yang, L Li, Y Shi, X Xie
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 23 (3), 1251-1260, 2018
A survey on simulation optimization for the manufacturing system operation
R Liu, X Xie, K Yu, Q Hu
International Journal of Modelling and Simulation 38 (2), 116-127, 2018
Reducing energy consumption in serial production lines with Bernoulli reliability machines
W Su, X Xie, J Li, L Zheng, SC Feng
International journal of production research 55 (24), 7356-7379, 2017
Contributing factors of elective surgical case cancellation: a retrospective cross-sectional study at a single-site hospital
K Yu, X Xie, L Luo, R Gong
BMC surgery 17, 1-8, 2017
Simulation-based optimisation approach for the stochastic two-echelon logistics problem
R Liu, Y Tao, Q Hu, X Xie
International Journal of Production Research 55 (1), 187-201, 2017
Predicting hospital readmission: a joint ensemble-learning model
K Yu, X Xie
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 24 (2), 447-456, 2019
Patient outcome prediction via convolutional neural networks based on multi-granularity medical concept embedding
Y Feng, X Min, N Chen, H Chen, X Xie, H Wang, T Chen
2017 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM …, 2017
Modeling, analysis and continuous improvement of food production systems: A case study at a meat shaving and packaging line
X Xie, J Li
Journal of Food Engineering 113 (2), 344-350, 2012
Cost-effectiveness analysis of intensive hypertension control in China
X Xie, T He, J Kang, DS Siscovick, Y Li, JA Pagán
Preventive Medicine 111, 110-114, 2018
Improving energy efficiency in Bernoulli serial lines: An integrated model
W Su, X Xie, J Li, L Zheng
International Journal of Production Research 54 (11), 3414-3428, 2016
Improving response-time performance in acute care delivery: A systems approach
X Xie, J Li, CH Swartz, P DePriest
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 11 (4), 1240-1249, 2013
A prediction and interpretation framework of acute kidney injury in critical care
K Gong, HK Lee, K Yu, X Xie, J Li
Journal of Biomedical Informatics 113, 103653, 2021
Prediction of the healthcare resource utilization using multi-output regression models
L Cui, X Xie, Z Shen, R Lu, H Wang
IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering 8 (4), 291-302, 2018
Surgery Scheduling Under Case Cancellation and Surgery Duration Uncertainty
B Pang, X Xie, Y Song, L Luo
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2018
Modeling and analysis of rapid response process to improve patient safety in acute care
X Xie, J Li, CH Swartz, P DePriest
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 9 (2), 215-225, 2012
Assessing the impact of lifestyle interventions on diabetes prevention in China: a modeling approach
L Luo, B Pang, J Chen, Y Li, X Xie
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 (10), 1677, 2019
A distributionally robust optimisation for COVID-19 testing facility territory design and capacity planning
Z Fan, X Xie
International Journal of Production Research 60 (13), 4229-4252, 2022
In-hospital resource utilization prediction from electronic medical records with deep learning
K Yu, Z Yang, C Wu, Y Huang, X Xie
Knowledge-Based Systems 223, 107052, 2021
Optimal ICU admission control with premature discharge
X Li, D Liu, N Geng, X Xie
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 16 (1), 148-164, 2018
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