Soulef Bouaafia
Soulef Bouaafia
Assistant Professor at the Higher Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology of Kairouan
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Fast CU partition-based machine learning approach for reducing HEVC complexity
S Bouaafia, R Khemiri, FE Sayadi, M Atri
Journal of Real-Time Image Processing 17, 185-196, 2020
COVID-19 recognition based on patient's coughing and breathing patterns analysis: deep learning approach
L Khriji, A Ammari, S Messaoud, S Bouaafia, A Maraoui, M Machhout
2021 29th Conference of Open Innovations Association (FRUCT), 185-191, 2021
Deep convolutional neural networks-based Hardware–Software on-chip system for computer vision application
S Messaoud, S Bouaafia, A Maraoui, AC Ammari, L Khriji, M Machhout
Computers & Electrical Engineering 98, 107671, 2022
Deep learning-based video quality enhancement for the new versatile video coding
S Bouaafia, R Khemiri, S Messaoud, O Ben Ahmed, FE Sayadi
Neural Computing and Applications 34 (17), 14135-14149, 2022
Deep pre-trained models for computer vision applications: traffic sign recognition
S Bouaafia, S Messaoud, A Maraoui, AC Ammari, L Khriji, M Machhout
2021 18th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD …, 2021
DTL-I-ResNet18: facial emotion recognition based on deep transfer learning and improved ResNet18
R Helaly, S Messaoud, S Bouaafia, MA Hajjaji, A Mtibaa
Signal, Image and Video Processing 17 (6), 2731-2744, 2023
PYNQ FPGA hardware implementation of LeNet-5-based traffic sign recognition application
A Maraoui, S Messaoud, S Bouaafia, AC Ammari, L Khriji, M Machhout
2021 18th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD …, 2021
COVID-19 recognition based on deep transfer learning
S Bouaafia, S Messaoud, R Khemiri, FE Sayadi
2021 IEEE International Conference on Design & Test of Integrated Micro …, 2021
CNN‐LSTM Learning Approach‐Based Complexity Reduction for High‐Efficiency Video Coding Standard
S Bouaafia, R Khemiri, A Maraoui, FE Sayadi
Scientific Programming 2021 (1), 6628041, 2021
Network slicing for industrial IoT and industrial wireless sensor network: Deep federated learning approach and its implementation challenges
S Messaoud, S Bouaafia, A Bradai, MA Hajjaji, A Mtibaa, M Atri
Emerging Trends in Wireless Sensor Networks, 2022
Virtual Healthcare Center for COVID‐19 Patient Detection Based on Artificial Intelligence Approaches
S Messaoud, S Bouaafia, A Maraoui, L Khriji, AC Ammari, M Machhout
Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology 2022 (1 …, 2022
A deep CNN-lstm framework for fast video coding
S Bouaafia, R Khemiri, FE Sayadi, M Atri, N Liouane
International conference on image and signal processing, 205-212, 2020
Rate-distortion performance comparison: VVC vs. HEVC
S Bouaafia, R Khemiri, FE Sayadi
2021 18th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD …, 2021
VVC In‐Loop Filtering Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Network
S Bouaafia, S Messaoud, R Khemiri, FE Sayadi
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 2021 (1), 9912839, 2021
Secure convolutional neural network-based internet-of-healthcare applications
L Khriji, S Bouaafia, S Messaoud, AC Ammari, M Machhout
IEEE Access 11, 36787-36804, 2023
Fast Motion Estimation’s Configuration Using Diamond Pattern and ECU, CFM, and ESD Modes for Reducing HEVC Computational Complexity
R Khemiri, N Bahri, F Belghith, S Bouaafia, FE Sayadi, M Atri, ...
Digital Imaging, 2019
AI-based smart agriculture 4.0 system for plant diseases detection in Tunisia
B Tej, S Bouaafia, MA Hajjaji, A Mtibaa
Signal, Image and Video Processing, 1-15, 2024
Complexity analysis of new future video coding (FVC) standard technology
S Bouaafia, R Khemiri, S Messaoud, FE Sayadi
International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting 2021 (1), 6627673, 2021
An FPGA-SoC based Hardware Acceleration of Convolutional Neural Networks
S Bouaafia, S Messaoud, R Khemiri, FE Sayadi
2022 IEEE 9th International Conference on Sciences of Electronics …, 2022
Performance Analysis of OpenCL and CUDA Programming Models for the High Efficiency Video Coding
R Khemiri, S Bouaafia, A Bahba, M Nasr, FE Sayadi
Digital Image Processing Applications, 2021
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