Kotaro Komatsu
Kotaro Komatsu
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Counter-examples for refinement of conjectures and proofs in primary school mathematics
K Komatsu
The Journal of Mathematical Behavior 29 (1), 1-10, 2010
Task design principles for heuristic refutation in dynamic geometry environments
K Komatsu, K Jones
International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 17 (4), 801-824, 2019
A framework for proofs and refutations in school mathematics: Increasing content by deductive guessing
K Komatsu
Educational Studies in Mathematics 92, 147-162, 2016
Proof validation and modification in secondary school geometry
K Komatsu, K Jones, T Ikeda, A Narazaki
The Journal of Mathematical Behavior 47, 1-15, 2017
Fostering empirical examination after proof construction in secondary school geometry
K Komatsu
Educational Studies in Mathematics 96 (2), 129-144, 2017
Interplay between paper-and-pencil activity and dynamic-geometry-environment use during generalisation and proving
K Komatsu, K Jones
Digital Experiences in Mathematics Education 6 (2), 123-143, 2020
Generating mathematical knowledge in the classroom through proof, refutation, and abductive reasoning
K Komatsu, K Jones
Educational Studies in Mathematics 109 (3), 567-591, 2022
Proof problems with diagrams: An opportunity for experiencing proofs and refutations
K Komatsu, Y Tsujiyama, A Sakamaki, N Koike
For the Learning of Mathematics 34 (1), 36-42, 2014
Potentials for Spatial Geometry Curriculum Development with Three-Dimensional Dynamic Geometry Software in Lower Secondary Mathematics.
M Miyazaki, R Katoh, H Arai, F Ogihara, Y Oguchi, T Morozumi, M Kon, ...
International journal for technology in mathematics education 19 (2), 2012
The role of “opportunity to learn” in the geometry curriculum: A multilevel comparison of six countries
C Bokhove, M Miyazaki, K Komatsu, K Chino, A Leung, IAC Mok
Frontiers in Education 4, 63, 2019
Rethinking the discovery function of proof within the context of proofs and refutations
K Komatsu, Y Tsujiyama, A Sakamaki
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 45 …, 2014
(No Title), 2014
Principles of task design to foster proofs and refutations in mathematical learning: Proof problem with diagram
K Komatsu, Y Tsujiyama
Task design in mathematics education: Proceedings of ICMI Study 22, 471-479, 2013
Teaching and learning authentic mathematics: The case of proving
AJ Stylianides, K Komatsu, K Weber, GJ Stylianides
Handbook of cognitive mathematics, 727-761, 2022
Curriculum development for explorative proving in lower secondary school geometry: Focusing on the levels of planning and constructing a proof
M Miyazaki, J Nagata, K Chino, H Sasa, T Fujita, K Komatsu, S Shimizu
Frontiers in Education 4, 31, 2019
Lakatos’ Heuristic Rules as a Framework for Proofs and Refutations in Mathematical Learning: Local-Counterexample and Modification of Proof| Request PDF
K Komatsu
Pre-proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education …, 2012
Proofs and refutations in school mathematics: A task design in dynamic geometry environments
K Komatsu, K Jones
DCU Institute of Education and ERME, 2017
How do students generalize a conjecture through proving?: The importance of boundary cases between example and counterexample
K Komatsu
Proceedings of PME 35 3, 89-96, 2011
Explanatory unification by proofs in school mathematics
K Komatsu, T Fujita, K Jones, N Sue
For the Learning of Mathematics 38 (1), 31-37, 2018
ラカトシュの可謬主義から見た数学的探究とその教育的意義: 証明に焦点を当てて
科学教育研究 35 (3), 272-286, 2011
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