Marija Seder
Marija Seder
Sonstige NamenMarija Dakulovic
Professor at Faculty of Electrical Engineering and computing, University of Zagreb
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Dynamic window based approach to mobile robot motion control in the presence of moving obstacles
M Seder, I Petrovic
Proceedings 2007 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation …, 2007
Path planning for active SLAM based on the D* algorithm with negative edge weights
I Maurović, M Seder, K Lenac, I Petrović
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 48 (8), 1321-1331, 2017
A mobile robot based system for fully automated thermal 3D mapping
D Borrmann, A Nüchter, M Ðakulović, I Maurović, I Petrović, ...
Advanced Engineering Informatics 28 (4), 425-440, 2014
An integrated approach to real-time mobile robot control in partially known indoor environments
M Seder, K Macek, I Petrovic
31st Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2005. IECON …, 2005
The project thermalmapper–thermal 3d mapping of indoor environments for saving energy
D Borrmann, A Nüchter, M Đakulović, I Maurović, I Petrović, ...
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45 (22), 31-38, 2012
Two-way D∗ algorithm for path planning and replanning
M Dakulović, I Petrović
Robotics and autonomous systems 59 (5), 329-342, 2011
Complete coverage D* algorithm for path planning of a floor-cleaning mobile robot
M Dakulović, S Horvatić, I Petrović
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 44 (1), 5950-5955, 2011
Receding horizon control for convergent navigation of a differential drive mobile robot
M Seder, M Baotić, I Petrović
IEEE transactions on control systems technology 25 (2), 653-660, 2016
Complete coverage path planning of mobile robots for humanitarian demining
M Đakulovic, I Petrovic
Industrial Robot: An International Journal 39 (5), 484-493, 2012
Drivable path planning using hybrid search algorithm based on E* and Bernstein–Bézier motion primitives
G Klančar, M Seder, S Blažič, I Škrjanc, I Petrović
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 51 (8), 4868-4882, 2019
Hierarchical path planning of mobile robots in complex indoor environments
M Seder, P Mostarac, I Petrović
Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control 33 (3-4), 332-358, 2011
Open platform based mobile robot control for automation in manufacturing logistics
M Seder, L Petrović, J Peršić, G Popović, T Petković, A Šelek, B Bićanić, ...
IFAC-PapersOnLine 52 (22), 95-100, 2019
The path planning algorithms for a mobile robot based on the occupancy grid map of the environment—A comparative study
M Čikeš, M Đakulović, I Petrović
2011 XXIII International Symposium on Information, Communication and …, 2011
Cross-entropy based stochastic optimization of robot trajectories using heteroscedastic continuous-time Gaussian processes
L Petrović, J Peršić, M Seder, I Marković
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 133, 103618, 2020
Autonomous Exploration of Large Unknown Indoor Environments for Dense 3D Model Building
I Maurović, M Ðakulović, I Petrović
Preprints of the 19th World Congress The International Federation of …, 2014
Coordinated multi-robotic vehicles navigation and control in shop floor automation
G Klančar, M Seder
Sensors 22 (4), 1455, 2022
Fast active SLAM for accurate and complete coverage mapping of unknown environments
K Lenac, A Kitanov, I Maurović, M Dakulović, I Petrović
Intelligent Autonomous Systems 13: Proceedings of the 13th International …, 2016
Efficient Interpolated Path Planning of Mobile Robots Based on Occupancy Grid Maps
M Dakulovic, M Cikes, I Petrovic
10th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control 10 (1), 349-354, 2012
Efficient navigation for anyshape holonomic mobile robots in dynamic environments
M Đakulović, C Sprunk, L Spinello, I Petrovic, W Burgard
2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2013
Exploration and Mapping of Unknown Polygonal Environments Based on Uncertain Range Data
M Đakulović, Š Ileš, I Petrović
Automatika‒Journal for Control, Measurement, Electronics, Computing and …, 2011
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