Carles Blanch-Mercader
Carles Blanch-Mercader
Chargé de recherche, CNRS, Laboratoire Physico-Chimie Curie, Institut Curie
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Spontaneous shear flow in confined cellular nematics
G Duclos, C Blanch-Mercader, V Yashunsky, G Salbreux, JF Joanny, ...
Nature physics 14 (7), 728-732, 2018
Active wetting of epithelial tissues
C Pérez-González, R Alert, C Blanch-Mercader, M Gómez-González, ...
Nature physics 15 (1), 79-88, 2019
Turbulent dynamics of epithelial cell cultures
C Blanch-Mercader, V Yashunsky, S Garcia, G Duclos, L Giomi, ...
Physical review letters 120 (20), 208101, 2018
Integer topological defects organize stresses driving tissue morphogenesis
P Guillamat, C Blanch-Mercader, G Pernollet, K Kruse, A Roux
Nature materials 21 (5), 588-597, 2022
Buckling of an epithelium growing under spherical confinement
A Trushko, I Di Meglio, A Merzouki, C Blanch-Mercader, S Abuhattum, ...
Developmental cell 54 (5), 655-668. e6, 2020
Macropinocytosis overcomes directional bias in dendritic cells due to hydraulic resistance and facilitates space exploration
HD Moreau, C Blanch-Mercader, R Attia, M Maurin, Z Alraies, D Sanséau, ...
Developmental cell 49 (2), 171-188. e5, 2019
Effective viscosity and dynamics of spreading epithelia: a solvable model
C Blanch-Mercader, R Vincent, E Bazellières, X Serra-Picamal, X Trepat, ...
Soft Matter 13 (6), 1235-1243, 2017
Spontaneous motility of actin lamellar fragments
C Blanch-Mercader, J Casademunt
Physical review letters 110 (7), 078102, 2013
Active fingering instability in tissue spreading
R Alert, C Blanch-Mercader, J Casademunt
Physical review letters 122 (8), 088104, 2019
Spontaneous migration of cellular aggregates from giant keratocytes to running spheroids
G Beaune, C Blanch-Mercader, S Douezan, J Dumond, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (51), 12926-12931, 2018
Hydrodynamic instabilities, waves and turbulence in spreading epithelia
C Blanch-Mercader, J Casademunt
Soft matter 13 (38), 6913-6928, 2017
Quantifying material properties of cell monolayers by analyzing integer topological defects
C Blanch-Mercader, P Guillamat, A Roux, K Kruse
Physical Review Letters 126 (2), 028101, 2021
Integer topological defects of cell monolayers: Mechanics and flows
C Blanch-Mercader, P Guillamat, A Roux, K Kruse
Physical Review E 103 (1), 012405, 2021
Chiral edge current in nematic cell monolayers
V Yashunsky, DJG Pearce, C Blanch-Mercader, F Ascione, P Silberzan, ...
Physical Review X 12 (4), 041017, 2022
Collective stresses drive competition between monolayers of normal and Ras-transformed cells
S Moitrier, C Blanch-Mercader, S Garcia, K Sliogeryte, T Martin, ...
Soft matter 15 (4), 537-545, 2019
Alcanivorax borkumensis biofilms enhance oil degradation by interfacial tubulation
M Prasad, N Obana, SZ Lin, S Zhao, K Sakai, C Blanch-Mercader, J Prost, ...
Science 381 (6659), 748-753, 2023
Pressure and curvature control of the cell cycle in epithelia growing under spherical confinement
I Di Meglio, A Trushko, P Guillamat, C Blanch-Mercader, S Abuhattum, ...
Cell reports 40 (8), 2022
The emergence of spontaneous coordinated epithelial rotation on cylindrical curved surfaces
A Glentis, C Blanch-Mercader, L Balasubramaniam, TB Saw, ...
Science Advances 8 (37), eabn5406, 2022
Epithelial cells adapt to curvature induction via transient active osmotic swelling
C Tomba, V Luchnikov, L Barberi, C Blanch-Mercader, A Roux
Developmental Cell 57 (10), 1257-1270. e5, 2022
Cooperativity of self-organized Brownian motors pulling on soft cargoes
JG Orlandi, C Blanch-Mercader, J Brugues, J Casademunt
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 82 (6 …, 2010
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