Pasquale De Falco
Pasquale De Falco
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A probabilistic competitive ensemble method for short-term photovoltaic power forecasting
A Bracale, G Carpinelli, P De Falco
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 8 (2), 551-560, 2016
An ensemble methodology for hierarchical probabilistic electric vehicle load forecasting at regular charging stations
L Buzna, P De Falco, G Ferruzzi, S Khormali, D Proto, N Refa, M Straka, ...
Applied Energy 283, 116337, 2021
Multivariate quantile regression for short-term probabilistic load forecasting
A Bracale, P Caramia, P De Falco, T Hong
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 35 (1), 628-638, 2019
Predicting popularity of electric vehicle charging infrastructure in urban context
M Straka, P De Falco, G Ferruzzi, D Proto, G Van Der Poel, S Khormali, ...
IEEE Access 8, 11315-11327, 2020
Electric vehicle load forecasting: A comparison between time series and machine learning approaches
L Buzna, P De Falco, S Khormali, D Proto, M Straka
2019 1st International Conference on Energy Transition in the Mediterranean …, 2019
Bayesian bootstrap quantile regression for probabilistic photovoltaic power forecasting
M Bozorg, A Bracale, P Caramia, G Carpinelli, M Carpita, P De Falco
Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems 5 (3), 1-12, 2020
Wavelet-based decompositions in probabilistic load forecasting
L Alfieri, P De Falco
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 11 (2), 1367-1376, 2019
Short-term industrial reactive power forecasting
A Bracale, G Carpinelli, P De Falco, T Hong
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 107, 177-185, 2019
Inverse Burr distribution for extreme wind speed prediction: Genesis, identification and estimation
E Chiodo, P De Falco
Electric Power Systems Research 141, 549-561, 2016
An advanced bayesian method for short-term probabilistic forecasting of the generation of wind power
A Bracale, P De Falco
Energies 8 (9), 10293-10314, 2015
Short-term industrial load forecasting: A case study in an Italian factory
A Bracale, G Carpinelli, P De Falco, T Hong
2017 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT …, 2017
A multivariate approach to probabilistic industrial load forecasting
A Bracale, P Caramia, P De Falco, T Hong
Electric Power Systems Research 187, 106430, 2020
Power flow approach for modeling shipboard power system in presence of energy storage and energy management systems
F Balsamo, P De Falco, F Mottola, M Pagano
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 35 (4), 1944-1953, 2020
Probabilistic risk-based management of distribution transformers by dynamic transformer rating
A Bracale, G Carpinelli, P De Falco
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 113, 229-243, 2019
A probabilistic approach for forecasting the allowable current of oil-immersed transformers
A Bracale, G Carpinelli, M Pagano, P De Falco
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 33 (4), 1825-1834, 2018
Developing and comparing different strategies for combining probabilistic photovoltaic power forecasts in an ensemble method
A Bracale, G Carpinelli, PD Falco
Energies 12 (6), 1011, 2019
New advanced method and cost-based indices applied to probabilistic forecasting of photovoltaic generation
A Bracale, G Carpinelli, P De Falco, R Rizzo, A Russo
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 8 (2), 2016
Bayesian bootstrapping in real-time probabilistic photovoltaic power forecasting
M Bozorg, A Bracale, M Carpita, P De Falco, F Mottola, D Proto
Solar Energy 225, 577-590, 2021
A new finite mixture distribution and its expectation-maximization procedure for extreme wind speed characterization
A Bracale, G Carpinelli, P De Falco
Renewable Energy 113, 1366-1377, 2017
Probabilistic state of health and remaining useful life prediction for Li-ion batteries
A Bracale, P De Falco, LP Di Noia, R Rizzo
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 59 (1), 578-590, 2022
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