Katie Fisher
Katie Fisher
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Facial identity and facial expression are initially integrated at visual perceptual stages of face processing
K Fisher, J Towler, M Eimer
Neuropsychologia 80, 115-125, 2016
The cognitive and neural basis of developmental prosopagnosia
J Towler, K Fisher, M Eimer
The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1-29, 2016
Holistic face perception is impaired in developmental prosopagnosia
J Towler, K Fisher, M Eimer
Cortex 108, 112-126, 2018
Reduced sensitivity to contrast signals from the eye region in developmental prosopagnosia
K Fisher, J Towler, M Eimer
Cortex 81, 64-78, 2016
Face identity matching is selectively impaired in developmental prosopagnosia
K Fisher, J Towler, M Eimer
Cortex, 2017
Effects of contrast inversion on face perception depend on gaze location: Evidence from the N170 component
K Fisher, J Towler, M Eimer
Cognitive neuroscience 7 (1-4), 128-137, 2016
Facial misidentifications arise from the erroneous activation of visual face memory
BE Wirth, K Fisher, J Towler, M Eimer
Neuropsychologia 77, 387-399, 2015
Neural responses in a fast periodic visual stimulation paradigm reveal domain-general visual discrimination deficits in developmental prosopagnosia
K Fisher, J Towler, B Rossion, M Eimer
cortex 133, 76-102, 2020
Tracking the separation of visual representations of face identity and emotional expression in real time.
K Fisher, J Towler, M Eimer
Journal of vision 15 (12), 683-683, 2015
Impaired identity discrimination in developmental prosopagnosia as measured with steady state visual evoked potentials in an oddball task
K Fisher, J Towler, M Eimer
PERCEPTION 44, 24-24, 2015
Electrophysiological correlates of subjective perception of face identity: Evidence from mistaken identities
BE Wirth, K Fisher, J Towler, M Eimer
Perception ECVP abstract 43, 73-73, 2014
Contrast chimeras reveal the importance of the eyes for early face processing
K Fisher, J Towler, M Eimer
Perception ECVP abstract 43, 17-17, 2014
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