Eoin Anthony King
Eoin Anthony King
Director, The Galway Sound Lab, University of Galway
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Environmental noise pollution: Noise mapping, public health, and policy
E Murphy, EA King
Elsevier, 2022
Strategic environmental noise mapping: Methodological issues concerning the implementation of the EU Environmental Noise Directive and their policy implications
E Murphy, EA King
Environment international 36 (3), 290-298, 2010
Testing the accuracy of smartphones and sound level meter applications for measuring environmental noise
E Murphy, EA King
Applied Acoustics 106, 16-22, 2016
Estimating human exposure to transport noise in central Dublin, Ireland
E Murphy, EA King, HJ Rice
Environment international 35 (2), 298-302, 2009
The development of a practical framework for strategic noise mapping
EA King, HJ Rice
Applied Acoustics 70 (8), 1116-1127, 2009
An assessment of residential exposure to environmental noise at a shipping port
E Murphy, EA King
Environment international 63, 207-215, 2014
Scenario analysis and noise action planning: Modelling the impact of mitigation measures on population exposure
E Murphy, EA King
Applied Acoustics 72 (8), 487-494, 2011
Implementation of the EU environmental noise directive: Lessons from the first phase of strategic noise mapping and action planning in Ireland
EA King, E Murphy, HJ Rice
Journal of environmental management 92 (3), 756-764, 2011
Reducing pedestrian exposure to environmental pollutants: A combined noise exposure and air quality analysis approach
EA King, E Murphy, A McNabola
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 14 (5), 309-316, 2009
Smartphone-based noise mapping: Integrating sound level meter app data into the strategic noise mapping process
E Murphy, EA King
Science of The Total Environment 562, 852-859, 2016
Environmental noise–‘Forgotten’or ‘Ignored’pollutant?
EA King, E Murphy
Applied Acoustics 112, 211-215, 2016
A combined assessment of air and noise pollution on the High Line, New York City
EA King, EP Bourdeau, XYK Zheng, F Pilla
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 42, 91-103, 2016
Assessing methodologies for calculating road traffic noise levels in Ireland–Converting CRTN indicators to the EU indicators (Lden, Lnight)
V O’Malley, E King, L Kenny, C Dilworth
Applied Acoustics 70 (2), 284-296, 2009
Environmental noise mapping using measurements in transit
G Bennett, EA King, J Curn, V Cahill, F Bustamante, HJ Rice
Proceedings of ISMA, 1795-1810, 2010
Here, there, and everywhere: How the SDGs must include noise pollution in their development challenges
EA King
Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development 64 (3), 17-32, 2022
Evaluating the impact on noise levels of a ban on private cars in Dublin city centre, Ireland
EA King, E Murphy, HJ Rice
Transportation research part D: transport and environment 16 (7), 532-539, 2011
Principles of environmental noise
E Murphy, EA King
Environmental Noise Pollution, 9-49, 2014
Audio-visual based non-line-of-sight sound source localization: A feasibility study
EA King, A Tatoglu, D Iglesias, A Matriss
Applied Acoustics 171, 107674, 2021
Assessing noise from wind farm developments in Ireland: A consideration of critical wind speeds and turbine choice
EA King, F Pilla, J Mahon
Energy Policy 41, 548-560, 2012
Environmental noise and health
E Murphy, EA King
Environmental Noise Pollution, 51-80, 2014
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