Adel Bouhoula
Adel Bouhoula
Professor of Computer Science, Formal Methods and Cybersecurity. Arabian Gulf University
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Specification and proof in membership equational logic
A Bouhoula, JP Jouannaud, J Meseguer
Theoretical Computer Science 236 (1-2), 35-132, 2000
Implicit induction in conditional theories
A Bouhoula, M Rusinowitch
Journal of automated reasoning 14, 189-235, 1995
Protocol analysis in intrusion detection using decision tree
T Abbes, A Bouhoula, M Rusinowitch
International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and Computing …, 2004
Automated mathematical induction
A Bouhoula, E Kounalis, M Rusinowitch
Journal of Logic and Computation 5 (5), 631-668, 1995
Automated theorem proving by test set induction
A Bouhoula
Journal of Symbolic Computation 23 (1), 47-77, 1997
SPIKE, an automatic theorem prover
A Bouhoula, E Kounalis, M Rusinowitch
International Conference on Logic for Programming Artificial Intelligence …, 1992
Using induction and rewriting to verify and complete parameterized specifications
A Bouhoula
Theoretical Computer Science 170 (1-2), 245-276, 1996
Automatic case analysis in proof by induction
A Bouhoula, M Rusinowitch
IJCAI, 88-94, 1993
Specification and proof in membership equational logic
A Bouhoula, JP Jouannaud, J Meseguer
TAPSOFT'97: Theory and Practice of Software Development: 7th International …, 1997
Efficient decision tree for protocol analysis in intrusion detection
T Abbes, A Bouhoula, M Rusinowitch
International Journal of Security and Networks 5 (4), 220-235, 2010
Managing delegation in access control models
MB Ghorbel-Talbi, F Cuppens, N Cuppens-Boulahia, A Bouhoula
Advanced Computing and Communications, 2007. ADCOM 2007. International …, 2007
Integrity-OrBAC: a new model to preserve Critical Infrastructures integrity
A Ameziane El Hassani, A Abou El Kalam, A Bouhoula, R Abassi, ...
International Journal of Information Security 14, 367-385, 2015
An inference system for detecting firewall filtering rules anomalies
T Abbes, A Bouhoula, M Rusinowitch
Proceedings of the 2008 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 2122-2128, 2008
Automatic verification of conformance of firewall configurations to security policies
NB Youssef, A Bouhoula, F Jacquemard
2009 ieee symposium on computers and communications, 526-531, 2009
Automated induction with constrained tree automata
A Bouhoula, F Jacquemard
International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning, 539-554, 2008
A comprehensive study of security and cyber-security risk management within e-Health systems: Synthesis, analysis and a novel quantified approach
S Ksibi, F Jaidi, A Bouhoula
Mobile Networks and Applications 28 (1), 107-127, 2023
Misbehavior detection using implicit trust relations in the AODV routing protocol
MA Ayachi, C Bidan, T Abbes, A Bouhoula
2009 International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering 2 …, 2009
Observational proofs with critical contexts
N Berregeb, A Bouhoula, M Rusinowitch
International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering …, 1998
Detection of firewall configuration errors with updatable tree
T Abbes, A Bouhoula, M Rusinowitch
International Journal of Information Security 15 (3), 301-317, 2016
A delegation model for extended RBAC
M Ben-Ghorbel-Talbi, F Cuppens, N Cuppens-Boulahia, A Bouhoula
International journal of information security 9, 209-236, 2010
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