Mohamed Mahmoud Samy
Mohamed Mahmoud Samy
Sonstige NamenM. M. Samy
Professor and Head of Electrical Engineering Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Beni-Suef University,
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Optimization of an off-grid PV/Biomass hybrid system with different battery technologies
MB Eteiba, S Barakat, MM Samy, WI Wahba
Sustainable cities and society 40, 713-727, 2018
A flower pollination optimization algorithm for an off-grid PV-Fuel cell hybrid renewable system
MM Samy, S Barakat, HS Ramadan
International journal of hydrogen energy 44 (4), 2141-2152, 2019
Design optimization of off-grid Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems considering the effects of building energy performance and climate change: Case study of Algeria
C Mokhtara, B Negrou, N Settou, B Settou, MM Samy
Energy 219, 119605, 2021
Optimal economic study of hybrid PV-wind-fuel cell system integrated to unreliable electric utility using hybrid search optimization technique
MM Samy, MI Mosaad, S Barakat
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 46 (20), 11217-11231, 2021
Techno-economic analysis for rustic electrification in Egypt using multi-source renewable energy based on PV/wind/FC
MM Samy, S Barakat, HS Ramadan
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 45 (20), 11471-11483, 2020
Design optimization of a stand-alone green energy system of university campus based on Jaya-Harmony Search and Ant Colony Optimization algorithms approaches
AF Güven, N Yörükeren, MM Samy
Energy 253, 124089, 2022
Performance analysis of autonomous green energy system based on multi and hybrid metaheuristic optimization approaches
AF Güven, MM Samy
Energy Conversion and Management 269, 116058, 2022
Multi‐objective optimization of hybrid renewable energy system based on biomass and fuel cells
MM Samy, HI Elkhouly, S Barakat
International Journal of energy research 45 (6), 8214-8230, 2021
A techno-economic feasibility analysis of an autonomous hybrid renewable energy sources for university building at Saudi Arabia
AF Tazay, MM Samy, S Barakat
Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology 15, 2519-2527, 2020
Reliability support of undependable grid using green energy systems: Economic study
MM Samy, MI Mosaad, MF El-Naggar, S Barakat
Ieee Access 9, 14528-14539, 2020
Decision-making and optimal design of green energy system based on statistical methods and artificial neural network approaches
MM Samy, RE Almamlook, HI Elkhouly, S Barakat
Sustainable Cities and Society 84, 104015, 2022
Feasibility study of grid connected PV-biomass integrated energy system in Egypt
S Barakat, MM Samy, MB Eteiba, WI Wahba
International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems 17 (5), 519-528, 2016
Investigating grid-connected green power systems’ energy storage solutions in the event of frequent blackouts
S Barakat, A Emam, MM Samy
Energy Reports 8, 5177-5191, 2022
Viability Study of Grid Connected PV/Wind/Biomass Hybrid Energy System for a Small Village in Egypt
S Barakat, MM Samy, MB Eteiba, WI Wahba
18th International Middle East Power Systems Conference, 2016
Hybrid invasive weed optimization-particle swarm optimization algorithm for biomass/PV micro-grid power system
MM Samy, S Barakat
2019 21st international Middle East power systems conference (MEPCON), 377-382, 2019
Exploring energy storage methods for grid-connected clean power plants in case of repetitive outages
MM Samy, A Emam, E Tag-Eldin, S Barakat
Journal of Energy Storage 54, 105307, 2022
A Hybrid PV-Biomass Generation Based Micro-Grid for the Irrigation System of a Major Land Reclamation Project in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) - Case Study of Albaha Area
MM Samy, S Barakat, HH Sarhan, SA Al-Ghamdi
Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2018 IEEE Industrial and …, 2018
Optimal economic analysis study for renewable energy systems to electrify remote region in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
N Alshammari, MM Samy, J Asumadu
2018 Twentieth International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON …, 2018
Electric field mitigation under extra high voltage power lines
RM Radwan, AM Mahdy, M Abdel-Salam, MM Samy
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 20 (1), 54-62, 2013
Optimizing energy Dynamics: A comprehensive analysis of hybrid energy storage systems integrating battery banks and supercapacitors
AF Guven, AY Abdelaziz, MM Samy, S Barakat
Energy Conversion and Management 312, 118560, 2024
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