Guopeng (Leo) Liu
Guopeng (Leo) Liu
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A rapid calibration procedure and case study for simplified simulation models of commonly used HVAC systems
G Liu, M Liu
Building and Environment 46 (2), 409-420, 2011
Energy savings for occupancy-based control (OBC) of variable-air-volume (VAV) systems
J Zhang, RG Lutes, G Liu, MR Brambley
Pacific Northwest National Lab.(PNNL), Richland, WA (United States), 2013
Development of in situ fan curve measurement for VAV AHU systems
M Liu, G Liu, I Joo, L Song, G Wang
J. Sol. Energy Eng. 127 (2), 287-293, 2005
Energy savings modeling of standard commercial building re-tuning measures: Large office buildings
N Fernandez, S Katipamula, W Wang, Y Huang, G Liu
Pacific Northwest National Lab.(PNNL), Richland, WA (United States), 2012
Advanced energy retrofit guide office buildings
G Liu, B Liu, W Wang, J Zhang, RA Athalye, D Moser, E Crowe, ...
Pacific Northwest National Lab.(PNNL), Richland, WA (United States), 2011
Energy savings modelling of re-tuning energy conservation measures in large office buildings
N Fernandez, S Katipamula, W Wang, Y Huang, G Liu
Journal of Building Performance Simulation 8 (6), 391-407, 2015
Review of literature on terminal box control, occupancy sensing technology and multi-zone demand control ventilation (DCV)
G Liu, AR Dasu, J Zhang
Pacific Northwest National Lab.(PNNL), Richland, WA (United States), 2012
Development of simplified in-situ fan curve measurement method using the manufacturers fan curve
G Liu, M Liu
Building and Environment 48, 77-83, 2012
Application of fan airflow stations in air-handling units
IS Joo, M Liu, G Liu
Energy engineering 104 (2), 66-80, 2007
Supply fan control methods for VAV systems using a fan airflow station
PE Mingsheng Liu PhD
ASHRAE Transactions 114, 451, 2008
Occupancy Based Control Strategy for Variable-Air-Volume (VAV) Terminal Box Systems.
G Liu, MR Brambley
ASHRAE Transactions 117 (2), 2011
Transactive control of commercial building hvac systems
CD Corbin, A Makhmalbaf, S Huang, VV Mendon, M Zhao, ...
Pacific Northwest National Lab.(PNNL), Richland, WA (United States), 2016
Development and applications of fan airflow station and pump water flow station in heating, ventilating and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems
G Liu
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2006
Achieving Deep Energy Savings in Existing Buildings through Integrated Design.
D Moser, G Liu, W Wang, J Zhang
ASHrAE Transactions 118 (2), 2012
Optimized pump speed control using pump water flow station for HVAC systems.
G Liu, M Liu, G Wang
ASHRAE Transactions 113 (2), 362-368, 2007
Transactive campus energy systems
S Katipamula, CD Corbin, JN Haack, H Hao, W Kim, DJ Hostick, BA Akyol, ...
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States), 2017
Development of a Pump Water Flow Station for HVAC Systems
G Liu, M Liu
Energy Sustainability 47977, 633-637, 2007
Impact of Motor Slip and Belt Slip on Fan Airflow Station for VAV AHU Systems
G Liu, M Liu, IS Joo
International Solar Energy Conference 47373, 529-534, 2005
Energy savings for occupancy-based control (OBC) of variableair-volume (VAV) systems: Pacific Northwest National Lab.(PNNL)
J Zhang, RG Lutes, G Liu, MR Brambley
Richland, WA (United States), 2013
Advanced energy retrofit guide retail buildings
G Liu, B Liu, W Wang, J Zhang, RA Athalye, D Moser, E Crowe, ...
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