J. Ongena
J. Ongena
Laboratory for Plasma Physics, ERM-KMS, Brussels
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Magnetic-confinement fusion
J Ongena, R Koch, R Wolf, H Zohm
Nature Physics 12 (5), 398-410, 2016
Overview of first Wendelstein 7-X high-performance operation
T Klinger, T Andreeva, S Bozhenkov, C Brandt, R Burhenn, B Buttenschön, ...
Nuclear Fusion 59 (11), 112004, 2019
ITER L mode confinement database
SM Kaye, M Greenwald, U Stroth, O Kardaun, A Kus, D Schissel, J DeBoo, ...
Nuclear Fusion 37 (9), 1303, 1997
Major results from the first plasma campaign of the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator
RC Wolf, A Ali, A Alonso, J Baldzuhn, C Beidler, M Beurskens, ...
Nuclear Fusion 57 (10), 102020, 2017
Characteristics and scaling of energy and particle losses during Type I ELMs in JET H-modes
A Loarte, M Becoulet, G Saibene, R Sartori, DJ Campbell, T Eich, ...
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 44 (9), 1815, 2002
Overview of the JET results in support to ITER
X Litaudon, S Abduallev, M Abhangi, P Abreu, M Afzal, KM Aggarwal, ...
Nuclear Fusion 57 (10), 102001, 2017
Energy for future centuries: prospects for fusion power as a future energy source
J Ongena, GV Oost
Fusion Science and Technology 61 (2T), 3-16, 2012
Energy for future centuries: prospects for fusion power as a future energy source
J Ongena, GV Oost
Fusion Science and Technology 61 (2T), 3-16, 2012
Poloidal Rotation Dynamics, Radial Electric Field, and Neoclassical Theory<? format?> in the Jet Internal-Transport-Barrier Region
K Crombé, Y Andrew, M Brix, C Giroud, S Hacquin, NC Hawkes, A Murari, ...
Physical review letters 95 (15), 155003, 2005
Confirmation of the topology of the Wendelstein 7-X magnetic field to better than 1: 100,000
TS Pedersen, M Otte, S Lazerson, P Helander, S Bozhenkov, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 13493, 2016
Review of deuterium–tritium results from the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor
KM McGuire, H Adler, P Alling, C Ancher, H Anderson, JL Anderson, ...
Physics of Plasmas 2 (6), 2176-2188, 1995
High confinement and high density with stationary plasma energy and strong edge radiation in the TEXTOR-94 tokamak
AM Messiaen, J Ongena, U Samm, B Unterberg, G Van Wassenhove, ...
Physical review letters 77 (12), 2487, 1996
Overview of the JET preparation for deuterium–tritium operation with the ITER like-wall
E Joffrin, S Abduallev, M Abhangi, P Abreu, V Afanasev, M Afzal, ...
Nuclear Fusion 59 (11), 112021, 2019
Stability analysis of improved confinement discharges: internal transport barriers in Tore Supra and radiative improved mode in TEXTOR
C Bourdelle, X Garbet, GT Hoang, J Ongena, RV Budny
Nuclear Fusion 42 (7), 892, 2002
Reduction of divertor heat load in JET ELMy H-modes using impurity seeding techniques
J Rapp, P Monier-Garbet, GF Matthews, R Sartori, P Andrew, P Dumortier, ...
Nuclear fusion 44 (2), 312, 2004
Model for the transition to the radiatively improved mode in a tokamak
MZ Tokar, J Ongena, B Unterberg, RR Weynants
Physical Review Letters 84 (5), 895, 2000
Technical challenges in the construction of the steady-state stellarator Wendelstein 7-X
HS Bosch, RC Wolf, T Andreeva, J Baldzuhn, D Birus, T Bluhm, T Bräuer, ...
Nuclear Fusion 53 (12), 126001, 2013
Efficient generation of energetic ions in multi-ion plasmas by radio-frequency heating
YO Kazakov, J Ongena, JC Wright, SJ Wukitch, E Lerche, MJ Mantsinen, ...
Nature Physics 13 (10), 973-978, 2017
Energy for future centuries: will fusion be an inexhaustible, safe, and clean energy source?
J Ongena, GV Oost
Fusion science and technology 45 (2T), 3-14, 2004
Overview of the JET results with the ITER-like wall
F Romanelli, JETE Contributors
Nuclear Fusion 53 (10), 104002, 2013
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