Uniqueness theorems and ideal structure for Leavitt path algebras M Tomforde
Journal of Algebra 318 (1), 270-299, 2007
184 2007 The C*-algebras of arbitrary graphs D Drinen, M Tomforde
The Rocky Mountain journal of mathematics, 105-135, 2005
164 * 2005 Leavitt path algebras with coefficients in a commutative ring M Tomforde
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 215 (4), 471-484, 2011
133 2011 Tensor products of operator systems A Kavruk, VI Paulsen, IG Todorov, M Tomforde
Journal of Functional Analysis 261 (2), 267-299, 2011
130 2011 Vector spaces with an order unit VI Paulsen, M Tomforde
Indiana University Mathematics Journal, 1319-1359, 2009
116 2009 A groupoid generalisation of Leavitt path algebras LO Clark, C Farthing, A Sims, M Tomforde
Semigroup Forum 89 (3), 501-517, 2014
115 2014 Quotients, exactness, and nuclearity in the operator system category AS Kavruk, VI Paulsen, IG Todorov, M Tomforde
Advances in mathematics 235, 321-360, 2013
115 2013 Operator system structures on ordered spaces VI Paulsen, IG Todorov, M Tomforde
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 102 (1), 25-49, 2011
112 2011 A unified approach to Exel-Laca algebras and C*-algebras associated to graphs M Tomforde
Journal of Operator Theory, 345-368, 2003
96 2003 Isomorphism and Morita equivalence of graph algebras G Abrams, M Tomforde
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77 2011 Adding tails to -correspondences PS Muhly, M Tomforde
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76 2004 Topological quivers PS Muhly, M Tomforde
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68 2005 Computing -theory and for graph -algebras D Drinen, M Tomforde
Illinois Journal of Mathematics 46 (1), 81-91, 2002
67 2002 Equiangular tight frames from complex Seidel matrices containing cube roots of unity BG Bodmann, VI Paulsen, M Tomforde
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63 2009 Reconstruction of groupoids and C⁎-rigidity of dynamical systems TM Carlsen, E Ruiz, A Sims, M Tomforde
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36 2012 Stability of 𝐶*-algebras associated to graphs M Tomforde
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 132 (6), 1787-1795, 2004
34 2004