Dieter Bimberg
Dieter Bimberg
CIOMP of CAS, Changchun and TU Berlin
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Quantum dot heterostructures
D Bimberg, M Grundmann, NN Ledentsov
John Wiley & Sons, 1999
InAs/GaAs pyramidal quantum dots: Strain distribution, optical phonons, and electronic structure
M Grundmann, O Stier, D Bimberg
Physical Review B 52 (16), 11969, 1995
Electronic and optical properties of strained quantum dots modeled by 8-band k⋅ p theory
O Stier, M Grundmann, D Bimberg
Physical Review B 59 (8), 5688, 1999
Spontaneous ordering of nanostructures on crystal surfaces
VA Shchukin, D Bimberg
Reviews of Modern Physics 71 (4), 1125, 1999
Ultralong dephasing time in InGaAs quantum dots
P Borri, W Langbein, S Schneider, U Woggon, RL Sellin, D Ouyang, ...
Physical Review Letters 87 (15), 157401, 2001
Low threshold, large To injection laser emission from (InGa) As quantum dots
N Kirstaedter, NN Ledentsov, M Grundmann, D Bimberg, VM Ustinov, ...
Electronics Letters 30 (17), 1416-1417, 1994
Ultranarrow luminescence lines from single quantum dots
M Grundmann, J Christen, NN Ledentsov, J Böhrer, D Bimberg, ...
Physical Review Letters 74 (20), 4043, 1995
Spontaneous ordering of arrays of coherent strained islands
VA Shchukin, NN Ledentsov, PS Kop'eV, D Bimberg
Physical Review Letters 75 (16), 2968, 1995
InGaAs-GaAs quantum-dot lasers
D Bimberg, N Kirstaedter, NN Ledentsov, ZI Alferov, PS Kop'Ev, ...
IEEE Journal of selected topics in quantum electronics 3 (2), 196-205, 1997
Direct formation of vertically coupled quantum dots in Stranski-Krastanow growth
NN Ledentsov, VA Shchukin, M Grundmann, N Kirstaedter, J Böhrer, ...
Physical Review B 54 (12), 8743, 1996
Energy relaxation by multiphonon processes in InAs/GaAs quantum dots
R Heitz, M Veit, NN Ledentsov, A Hoffmann, D Bimberg, VM Ustinov, ...
Physical Review B 56 (16), 10435, 1997
Radiative recombination in type‐II GaSb/GaAs quantum dots
F Hatami, NN Ledentsov, M Grundmann, J Böhrer, F Heinrichsdorff, ...
Applied physics letters 67 (5), 656-658, 1995
InAs/InGaAs quantum dot structures on GaAs substrates emitting at 1.3 μm
VM Ustinov, NA Maleev, AE Zhukov, AR Kovsh, AY Egorov, AV Lunev, ...
Applied physics letters 74 (19), 2815-2817, 1999
Quantum dot heterostructures: fabrication, properties, lasers
NN Ledentsov, VM Ustinov, VA Shchukin, PS Kop’Ev, ZI Alferov, ...
Semiconductors 32, 343-365, 1998
Consistent set of band parameters for the group-III nitrides AlN, GaN, and InN
P Rinke, M Winkelnkemper, A Qteish, D Bimberg, J Neugebauer, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (7), 075202, 2008
Theory of random population for quantum dots
M Grundmann, D Bimberg
Physical Review B 55 (15), 9740, 1997
Epitaxy of nanostructures
V Shchukin, NN Ledentsov, D Bimberg
Springer Science & Business Media, 2004
Optical and crystallographic properties and impurity incorporation of GaxIn1−xAs (0.44<x<0.49) grown by liquid phase epitaxy, vapor phase epitaxy, and metal …
KH Goetz, D Bimberg, H Jürgensen, J Selders, AV Solomonov, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 54 (8), 4543-4552, 1983
Size-Dependent Fine-Structure Splitting in Self-Organized Quantum Dots
R Seguin, A Schliwa, S Rodt, K Pötschke, UW Pohl, D Bimberg
Physical review letters 95 (25), 257402, 2005
Gain and differential gain of single layer InAs/GaAs quantum dot injection lasers
N Kirstaedter, OG Schmidt, NN Ledentsov, D Bimberg, VM Ustinov, ...
Applied physics letters 69 (9), 1226-1228, 1996
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