Luis  A. Peña Ardila
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Impurity in a Bose-Einstein condensate: Study of the attractive and repulsive branch using quantum Monte Carlo methods
LAP Ardila, S Giorgini
Physical Review A 92 (3), 033612, 2015
Bipolarons in a Bose-Einstein condensate
A Camacho-Guardian, LAP Ardila, T Pohl, GM Bruun
Physical Review Letters 121, 013401 (2018), 2018
Analyzing the Bose Polaron Across Resonant Interactions
LA Ardila, NB Jörgensen, T Pohl, S Giorgini, GM Bruun, JJ Arlt
Physical Review A 99 (063607), 2019
Quantum droplets of dipolar mixtures
RN Bisset, LAP Ardila, L Santos
Physical Review Letters 126 (2), 025301, 2021
Bose polaron problem: Effect of mass imbalance on binding energy
LAP Ardila, S Giorgini
Physical Review A 94 (6), 063640, 2016
Ionic polaron in a Bose-Einstein condensate
GE Astrakharchik, LAP Ardila, R Schmidt, K Jachymski, A Negretti
Communications Physics 4 (1), 94, 2021
Critical slowdown of non-equilibrium polaron dynamics
KK Nielsen, LAP Ardila, GM Bruun, T Pohl
New Journal of Physics 21 (043014), 2019
Strong coupling Bose polarons in a two-dimensional gas
LA Ardila, GE Astrakharchik, S Giorgini
Phys. Rev. Research 2 (023405), 2020
Ground-state properties of dipolar bose polarons
LAP Ardila, T Pohl
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 52, 2019
Quantum behavior of a heavy impurity strongly coupled to a Bose gas
J Levinsen, LAP Ardila, SM Yoshida, MM Parish
Physical Review Letters. 127, 033401 (2021), 2021
Measuring the single-particle density matrix for fermions and hard-core bosons in an optical lattice
LAP Ardila, M Heyl, A Eckardt
Physical Review Letters 121, 260401 – Published 28 December 2018, 2018
Alternating-domain supersolids in binary dipolar condensates
T Bland, E Poli, LAP Ardila, L Santos, F Ferlaino, RN Bisset
Physical Review A 106 (5), 053322, 2022
Many-body bound states and induced interactions of charged impurities in a bosonic bath
GE Astrakharchik, LAP Ardila, K Jachymski, A Negretti
Nature Communications 14 (1), 1647, 2023
Catalyzation of supersolidity in binary dipolar condensates
D Scheiermann, LAP Ardila, T Bland, RN Bisset, L Santos
Physical Review A 107 (2), L021302, 2023
Dynamical formation of polarons in a Bose-Einstein condensate: A variational approach
LAP Ardila
Physical Review A 103 (3), 033323, 2021
Finite-range effects in the unitary Fermi polaron
R Pessoa, SA Vitiello, LAP Ardila
Physical Review A 104 (4), 043313, 2021
Elastic constants of hcp He: Path-integral Monte Carlo results versus experiment
LAP Ardila, SA Vitiello, M de Koning
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (9), 094119, 2011
Ultra-Dilute Gas of Polarons in a Bose–Einstein Condensate
LAP Ardila
Atoms 10 (1), 29, 2022
Non-equilibrium dynamics of dipolar polarons
AG Volosniev, G Bighin, L Santos, LA Ardila Peña
SciPost Physics 15 (6), 232, 2023
Monte Carlo methods for impurity physics in ultracold Bose quantum gases
LAP Ardila
Nature Reviews Physics 4 (4), 214-214, 2022
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