Hyo Kyung Lee
Hyo Kyung Lee
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Assessing the global burden of hemorrhage: the global blood supply, deficits, and potential solutions
NP Raykar, J Makin, M Khajanchi, B Olayo, A Munoz Valencia, N Roy, ...
SAGE Open Medicine 9, 20503121211054995, 2021
An analytical framework for TJR readmission prediction and cost-effective intervention
HK Lee, R Jin, Y Feng, PA Bain, J Goffinet, C Baker, J Li
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 23 (4), 1760-1772, 2018
From production systems to health care delivery systems: a retrospective look on similarities, difficulties and opportunities
X Zhong, HK Lee, J Li
International Journal of Production Research 55 (14), 4212-4227, 2017
A prediction and interpretation framework of acute kidney injury in critical care
K Gong, HK Lee, K Yu, X Xie, J Li
Journal of Biomedical Informatics 113, 103653, 2021
Reducing COPD readmissions through predictive modeling and incentive-based interventions
X Zhong, S Lee, C Zhao, HK Lee, PA Bain, T Kundinger, C Sommers, ...
Health Care Management Science 22, 121-139, 2019
Computer modeling of lung cancer diagnosis-to-treatment process
F Ju, HK Lee, RU Osarogiagbon, X Yu, N Faris, J Li
Translational lung cancer research 4 (4), 404, 2015
Pragmatic trial of a multidisciplinary lung cancer care model in a community healthcare setting: study design, implementation evaluation, and baseline clinical results
MP Smeltzer, FE Rugless, BM Jackson, CL Berryman, NR Faris, MA Ray, ...
Translational Lung Cancer Research 7 (1), 88, 2018
A system-theoretic method for modeling, analysis, and improvement of lung cancer diagnosis-to-surgery process
HK Lee, F Ju, RU Osarogiagbon, N Faris, X Yu, F Rugless, S Jiang, J Li
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 15 (2), 531-544, 2017
Workload balancing: staffing ratio analysis for primary care redesign
X Zhong, HK Lee, M Williams, S Kraft, J Sleeth, R Welnick, L Hauschild, ...
Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal 30, 6-29, 2018
Drug-drug interaction and acute kidney injury development: A correlation-based network analysis
W Zhu, EF Barreto, J Li, HK Lee, K Kashani
Plos one 18 (1), e0279928, 2023
Reducing bottlenecks to improve the efficiency of the lung cancer care delivery process: a process engineering modeling approach to patient-centered care
F Ju, HK Lee, X Yu, NR Faris, F Rugless, S Jiang, J Li, RU Osarogiagbon
Journal of medical systems 42, 1-9, 2018
Workforce allocation in motorcycle transmission assembly lines: A case study on modeling, analysis, and improvement
H Ma, HK Lee, Z Shi, J Li
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 5 (3), 4164-4171, 2020
A queueing network model for analysis of patient transitions within hospitals
HK Lee, AJ Musa, PA Bain, K Nelson, C Baker, J Li
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 16 (1), 6-20, 2018
Joint visit in primary care clinics: modeling, analysis, and an application study
HK Lee, X Zhong, J Li, AJ Musa, PA Bain
IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering 8 (2), 93-109, 2018
Modeling and analysis of patient transitions in community hospitals: A systems approach
HK Lee, J Li, AJ Musa, PA Bain, K Nelson
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 50 (2), 686-699, 2017
Bottleneck analysis to improve multidisciplinary rounding process in intensive care units at mayo clinic
HK Lee, Y Dong, B Pickering, O Gajic, J Li
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 3 (3), 2678-2685, 2018
Optimal intervention policies for total joint replacement postoperative care process
HK Lee, J Li, PA Bain, C Baker
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 24 (1), 617-631, 2022
A Markov chain model to evaluate patient transitions in small community hospitals
HK Lee, J Li, AJ Musa, PA Bain
2016 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering …, 2016
WoLF: Large Language Model Framework for CXR Understanding
S Kang, D Kim, J Kim, HK Lee, SJ Hwang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.15456, 2024
Special Issue on Analysis, Design, and optimization in smart and connected production and service systems
J Li, CB Yan, HJ Kim, X Xie, HK Lee
International Journal of Production Research 60 (13), 3945-3947, 2022
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