Amy Freestone
Amy Freestone
Associate Professor of Biology, Temple University
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Navigating the multiple meanings of β diversity: a roadmap for the practicing ecologist
MJ Anderson, TO Crist, JM Chase, M Vellend, BD Inouye, AL Freestone, ...
Ecology letters 14 (1), 19-28, 2011
The spatial spread of invasions: new developments in theory and evidence
A Hastings, K Cuddington, KF Davies, CJ Dugaw, S Elmendorf, ...
Ecology Letters 8 (1), 91-101, 2005
Disentangling the drivers of β diversity along latitudinal and elevational gradients
NJB Kraft, LS Comita, JM Chase, NJ Sanders, NG Swenson, TO Crist, ...
Science 333 (6050), 1755-1758, 2011
Invasion in a heterogeneous world: resistance, coexistence or hostile takeover?
BA Melbourne, HV Cornell, KF Davies, CJ Dugaw, S Elmendorf, ...
Ecology letters 10 (1), 77-94, 2007
Stronger predation in the tropics shapes species richness patterns in marine communities
AL Freestone, RW Osman, GM Ruiz, ME Torchin
Ecology 92 (4), 983-993, 2011
Dispersal limitation and environmental heterogeneity shape scale‐dependent diversity patterns in plant communities
AL Freestone, BD Inouye
Ecology 87 (10), 2425-2432, 2006
Habitat distribution and heterogeneity in marine invasion dynamics: the importance of hard substrate and artificial structure
GM Ruiz, AL Freestone, PW Fofonoff, C Simkanin
Marine hard bottom communities: patterns, dynamics, diversity, and change …, 2009
Stochastic and deterministic drivers of spatial and temporal turnover in breeding bird communities
JC Stegen, AL Freestone, TO Crist, MJ Anderson, JM Chase, LS Comita, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 22 (2), 202-212, 2013
Stronger biotic resistance in tropics relative to temperate zone: effects of predation on marine invasion dynamics
AL Freestone, GM Ruiz, ME Torchin
Ecology 94 (6), 1370-1377, 2013
Latitudinal variation in local interactions and regional enrichment shape patterns of marine community diversity
AL Freestone, RW Osman
Ecology 92 (1), 208-217, 2011
Biological mechanisms of marine invasions
KJ Papacostas, EW Rielly-Carroll, SE Georgian, DJ Long, SD Princiotta, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 565, 251-268, 2017
Effects of beach raking and sand fences on dune dimensions and morphology
KF Nordstrom, NL Jackson, AL Freestone, KH Korotky, JA Puleo
Geomorphology 179, 106-115, 2012
Facilitation drives local abundance and regional distribution of a rare plant in a harsh environment
AL Freestone
Ecology 87 (11), 2728-2735, 2006
Predator control of marine communities increases with temperature across 115 degrees of latitude
GV Ashton, AL Freestone, JE Duffy, ME Torchin, BJ Sewall, B Tracy, ...
Science 376 (6598), 1215-1219, 2022
Regional enrichment of local assemblages is robust to variation in local productivity, abiotic gradients, and heterogeneity
AL Freestone, S Harrison
Ecology Letters 9 (2), 95-102, 2006
Stronger predation intensity and impact on prey communities in the tropics
AL Freestone, ME Torchin, LJ Jurgens, M Bonfim, DP López, MF Repetto, ...
Ecology 102 (8), e03428, 2021
Early development of vegetation in restored dune plant microhabitats on a nourished beach at Ocean City, New Jersey
AL Freestone, KF Nordstrom
Journal of Coastal Conservation 7, 105-116, 2001
Predation shapes invertebrate diversity in tropical but not temperate seagrass communities
AL Freestone, EW Carroll, KJ Papacostas, GM Ruiz, ME Torchin, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 89 (2), 323-333, 2020
Changes in topography and vegetation near gaps in a protective foredune
KF Nordstrom, JM Hartman, AL Freestone, M Wong, NL Jackson
Ocean & Coastal Management 50 (11-12), 945-959, 2007
Reorienting systematic conservation assessment for effective conservation planning
BJ Sewall, AL Freestone, MFE Moutui, N Toilibou, I Saïd, SM Toumani, ...
Conservation Biology 25 (4), 688-696, 2011
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