Andrés Alayón Glazunov
Andrés Alayón Glazunov
Senior Associate Professor, Linköping University, Leading the Radio, Propagation and Antenna Systems
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Mobile broadband multimedia networks: techniques, models and tools for 4G
LM Correia
Academic Press, 2010
The COST 259 directional channel model-part II: macrocells
H Asplund, AA Glazunov, AF Molisch, KI Pedersen, M Steinbauer
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 5 (12), 3434-3450, 2006
LTE-advanced and next generation wireless networks: channel modelling and propagation
G De la Roche, A Alayón-Glazunov, B Allen
John Wiley & Sons, 2012
Reduction of the envelope correlation coefficient with improved total efficiency for mobile LTE MIMO antenna arrays: mutual scattering mode
S Zhang, AA Glazunov, Z Ying, S He
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 61 (6), 3280-3291, 2013
Mean effective gain of antennas in a wireless channel
A Alayon Glazunov, AF Molisch, F Tufvesson
Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, IET 3 (2), 214-227, 2009
Spherical vector wave expansion of gaussian electromagnetic fields for antenna-channel interaction analysis
AA Glazunov, M Gustafsson, AF Molisch, F Tufvesson, G Kristensson
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 57 (7), 2055-2067, 2009
Physical modelling of multiple-input multiple-output antennas and channels by means of the spherical vector wave expansion
AA Glazunov, M Gustafsson, AF Molisch, F Tufvesson
Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, IET 4 (6), 778-791, 2010
Cost-effective measurement setups for testing wireless communication to vehicles in reverberation chambers and anechoic chambers
PS Kildal, AA Glazunov, J Carlsson, A Majidzadeh
2014 IEEE Conference on Antenna Measurements & Applications (CAMA), 1-4, 2014
Experimental characterization of the propagation channel along a very large virtual array in a reverberation chamber
AA Glazunov, S Prasad, P Handel
Progress in Electromagnetics Research B 59, 205-217, 2014
Interpreting the total isotropic sensitivity and diversity gain of LTE-enabled wireless devices from over-the-air throughput measurements in reverberation chambers
A Hussain, PS Kildal, AA Glazunov
IEEE Access 3, 131-145, 2015
MIMO Over‐The‐Air Testing
AA Glazunov, VM Kolmonen, T Laitinen
LTE‐Advanced and Next Generation Wireless Networks: Channel Modelling and …, 2012
Generalized Polarization-Space Modulation
J Zhang, KJ Kim, AA Glazunov, Y Wang, L Ding, J Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2019
Wireless performance evaluation of building layouts: Closed-form computation of figures of merit
J Zhang, AA Glazunov, J Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Communications 69 (7), 4890-4906, 2021
Wireless Energy Efficiency Evaluation for Buildings under Design Based on Analysis of Interference Gain
J Zhang, AA Glazunov, J Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2020
Fundamental wireless performance of a building
J Zhang, AA Glazunov, W Yang, J Zhang
IEEE Wireless Communications 29 (1), 186-193, 2021
A Systems‐Based Risk Assessment Framework for Intentional Electromagnetic Interference (IEMI) on Critical Infrastructures
BD Oakes, LG Mattsson, P Näsman, AA Glazunov
Risk Analysis 38 (6), 1279-1305, 2018
Initial measured OTA throughput of 4G LTE communication to cars with roof-mounted antennas in 2D random-LOS
M Schilliger Kildal, J Kvarnstrand, J Carlsson, A Alayón Glazunov, ...
2015 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP), 1-4, 2015
A bandwidth-enhanced cavity-backed slot array antenna for mmWave fixed-beam applications
WY Yong, A Haddadi, T Emanuelsson, AA Glazunov
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 19 (11), 1924-1928, 2020
Characterizing polarization-MIMO antennas in random-LOS propagation channels
A Razavi, ASA Glazunov, PS Kildal, J Yang
IEEE Access 4, 10067-10075, 2016
Theoretical analysis of mean effective gain of mobile terminal antennas in ricean channels
A Alayon Glazunov
Vehicular Technology Conference, 2002. Proceedings. VTC 2002-Fall. 2002 IEEE …, 2002
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