Erin Howard
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Zitiert von
APOGEE Net: Improving the derived spectral parameters for young stars through deep learning
R Olney, M Kounkel, C Schillinger, MT Scoggins, Y Yin, E Howard, ...
The Astronomical Journal 159 (4), 182, 2020
The rise and fall of the eclipsing binary HS Hydrae
JRA Davenport, D Windemuth, K Warmbein, EL Howard, C Klein, J Birky
The Astronomical Journal 162 (5), 189, 2021
Stellar Karaoke: deep blind separation of terrestrial atmospheric effects out of stellar spectra by velocity whitening
N Sedaghat, BM Smart, JB Kalmbach, EL Howard, H Amindavar
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 526 (1), 1559-1572, 2023
Trailblazer: An Open Data Repository for Satellite-Streaked Images
M Rawls, D Bektešević, S Eggl, J Watt, W Li, A Rihani, E Howard, A Hersi
American Astronomical Society Meeting# 240 54 (6), 144.01, 2022
370 New Eclipsing Binary Candidates from TESS Sectors 1–26
EL Howard, JRA Davenport, KR Covey
Research Notes of the AAS 6 (5), 96, 2022
Predicting Young Stellar Ages with Machine Learning
A McBride, R Lingg, M Kounkel, B Hutchinson, K Covey, E Howard, ...
American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts# 236 236, 331.04, 2020
VizieR Online Data Catalog: 125 years light curve of HS Hydrae with DASCH (Davenport+, 2021)
JRA Davenport, D Windemuth, K Warmbein, EL Howard, C Klein, J Birky
VizieR Online Data Catalog, J/AJ/162/189, 2021
Leveraging Statistical Analysis to Develop Classification Labels for Time Series Data
E Howard, KR Covey, JRA Davenport
Posters from the TESS Science Conference II (TSC2), 201, 2021
The Rise and Fall of HS Hydra
J Davenport, D Windemuth, E Howard, J Birky, K Warmbein
American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts 237, 133.06, 2021
Leveraging Statistical Analysis to Develop Labels for Astronomical Time Series Data
EL Howard, JR Davenport, KA Covey
American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts 237, 140.02, 2021
VizieR Online Data Catalog: APOGEE Net, YSOs parameters through deep learning (Olney+, 2020)
R Olney, M Kounkel, C Schillinger, MT Scoggins, Y Yin, E Howard, ...
VizieR Online Data Catalog 515, J/AJ/159/182, 2020
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