Allen Leung
Allen Leung
Professor of Education Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University
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Integrating technology into mathematics education: Theoretical perspectives
P Drijvers, C Kieran, MA Mariotti, J Ainley, M Andresen, YC Chan, ...
Mathematics education and technology-rethinking the terrain: The 17th ICMI …, 2010
Recent research on geometry education: An ICME-13 survey team report
N Sinclair, MG Bartolini Bussi, M de Villiers, K Jones, U Kortenkamp, ...
ZDM 48, 691-719, 2016
Dragging in a dynamic geometry environment through the lens of variation
A Leung
International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning 13, 135-157, 2008
An epistemic model of task design in dynamic geometry environment
A Leung
Zdm 43 (3), 325-336, 2011
Boundary crossing pedagogy in STEM education
A Leung
International Journal of STEM Education 7 (1), 15, 2020
Discernment of invariants in dynamic geometry environments
A Leung, A Baccaglini-Frank, MA Mariotti
Educational Studies in Mathematics 84, 439-460, 2013
Dragging as a conceptual tool in dynamic geometry environments
F Lopez-Real, A Leung
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 37 …, 2006
Designing mathematics tasks: The role of tools
A Leung, J Bolite-Frant
Task design in mathematics education: An ICMI Study 22, 191-225, 2015
Theorem justification and acquisition in dynamic geometry: A case of proof by contradiction
A Leung, F Lopez-Real
International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning 7, 145-165, 2002
Experimental approaches to theoretical thinking: Artefacts and proofs
F Arzarello, MGB Bussi, AYL Leung, MA Mariotti, I Stevenson
Proof and proving in mathematics education: The 19th ICMI Study, 97-143, 2012
Exploring techno-pedagogic task design in the mathematics classroom
A Leung
Digital technologies in designing mathematics education tasks: Potential and …, 2017
Dynamic Geometry and The Theory of Variation.
A Leung
International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education 3, 197-204, 2003
Digital technologies in designing mathematics education tasks
A Leung, A Baccaglini-Frank
Mathematics education in the digital era 8, 2017
Discernment and reasoning in dynamic geometry environments
A Leung
Selected regular lectures from the 12th international congress on …, 2015
Exploring STEM pedagogy in the mathematics classroom: A tool-based experiment lesson on estimation
A Leung
International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 17 (7), 1339-1358, 2019
Students’ geometrical perception on a task-based dynamic geometry platform
A Leung, AMS Lee
Educational Studies in Mathematics 82, 361-377, 2013
Geometry education, including the use of new technologies: A survey of recent research
N Sinclair, MG Bartolini Bussi, M de Villiers, K Jones, U Kortenkamp, ...
Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education …, 2017
Instrumental genesis in dynamic geometry environments
A Leung, Y Chan, F Lopez-Real
Proceedings of the Seventeenth Study Conference of the International …, 2006
From the slate to the web: Technology in the mathematics curriculum
DL Roberts, AYL Leung, AF Lins
Third international handbook of mathematics education, 525-547, 2012
Reasoning about simple and exhaustive demand in higher-order lazy languages
A Leung, P Mishra
Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture: 5th ACM …, 1991
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