Christophe Henry
Christophe Henry
INRIA Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée
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Towards a description of particulate fouling: From single particle deposition to clogging
C Henry, JP Minier, G Lefèvre
Advances in colloid and interface science 185, 34-76, 2012
Progress in particle resuspension from rough surfaces by turbulent flows
C Henry, JP Minier
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 45, 1-53, 2014
Numerical study on the deposition rate of hematite particle on polypropylene walls: role of surface roughness
C Henry, JP Minier, G Lefèvre, O Hurisse
Langmuir 27 (8), 4603-4612, 2011
Numerical study on the adhesion and reentrainment of nondeformable particles on surfaces: the role of surface roughness and electrostatic forces
C Henry, JP Minier, G Lefevre
Langmuir 28 (1), 438-452, 2012
Stretching and buckling of small elastic fibers in turbulence
S Allende, C Henry, J Bec
Physical review letters 121 (15), 154501, 2018
Particle resuspension: Challenges and perspectives for future models
C Henry, JP Minier, S Brambilla
Physics Reports 1007, 1-98, 2023
A new stochastic approach for the simulation of agglomeration between colloidal particles
C Henry, JP Minier, J Pozorski, G Lefèvre
Langmuir 29 (45), 13694-13707, 2013
A stochastic approach for the simulation of particle resuspension from rough substrates: Model and numerical implementation
C Henry, JP Minier
Journal of Aerosol Science 77, 168-192, 2014
A stochastic approach for the simulation of collisions between colloidal particles at large time steps
C Henry, JP Minier, M Mohaupt, C Profeta, J Pozorski, A Tanière
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 61, 94-107, 2014
Colloidal particle resuspension: On the need for refined characterisation of surface roughness
C Henry, JP Minier
Journal of Aerosol Science 118, 1-13, 2018
Impact of the maturation process on soot particle aggregation kinetics and morphology
J Morán, C Henry, A Poux, J Yon
Carbon 182, 837-846, 2021
On the well-mixed condition and consistency issues in hybrid Eulerian/Lagrangian stochastic models of dispersion
ML Bahlali, C Henry, B Carissimo
Boundary-layer meteorology 174, 275-296, 2020
Evidence of collision-induced resuspension of microscopic particles from a monolayer deposit
A Banari, C Henry, RH Fank Eidt, P Lorenz, K Zimmer, U Hampel, ...
Physical Review Fluids 6 (8), L082301, 2021
Particle resuspension from complex surfaces: current knowledge and limitations
C Henry
arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.06448, 2018
A refined algorithm to simulate latex colloid agglomeration at high ionic strength
C Henry, KK Norrfors, M Olejnik, M Bouby, J Luetzenkirchen, S Wold, ...
Adsorption 22, 503-515, 2016
Dynamics and fragmentation of small inextensible fibres in turbulence
S Allende, C Henry, J Bec
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 378 (2175), 20190398, 2020
Advances in hydroinformatics
C Caruyer, JP Minier, M Guingo, C Henry
Springer, 2016
Approximating the van der Waals interaction potentials between agglomerates of nanoparticles
J Morán, J Yon, C Henry, MR Kholghy
Advanced Powder Technology 34 (12), 104269, 2023
Inelastic accretion of inertial particles by a towed sphere
R Vallée, C Henry, E Hachem, J Bec
Physical Review Fluids 3 (2), 024303, 2018
A stochastic model for particle deposition in turbulent flows and clogging effects
C Caruyer, JP Minier, M Guingo, C Henry
Advances in Hydroinformatics: SIMHYDRO 2014, 451-466, 2016
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