Shikhar Pandey
Shikhar Pandey
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A real time event detection, classification and localization using synchrophasor data
S Pandey, AK Srivastava, BG Amidan
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 35 (6), 4421-4431, 2020
Resiliency-driven proactive distribution system reconfiguration with synchrophasor data
S Pandey, S Chanda, AK Srivastava, RO Hovsapian
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 35 (4), 2748-2758, 2020
Real-Time Synchrophasor Data Anomaly Detection and Classification Using Isolation Forest, KMeans, and LoOP
E Khaledian, S Pandey, P Kundu, AK Srivastava
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 12 (3), 2378-2388, 2020
Online estimation of steady-state load models considering data anomalies
S Pandey, AK Srivastava, P Markham, M Patel
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 54 (1), 712-721, 2017
Optimal transactive energy trading of electric vehicle charging stations with on-site PV generation in constrained power distribution networks
L Affolabi, M Shahidehpour, W Gan, M Yan, B Chen, S Pandey, ...
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 13 (2), 1427-1440, 2021
A tri-level planning approach to resilient expansion and hardening of coupled power distribution and transportation systems
W Gan, M Shahidehpour, J Guo, W Yao, S Pandey, EA Paaso, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 37 (2), 1495-1507, 2021
Blockchain for peer-to-peer transactive energy trading in networked microgrids: Providing an effective and decentralized strategy
M Shahidehpour, M Yan, P Shikhar, S Bahramirad, A Paaso
IEEE Electrification Magazine 8 (4), 80-90, 2020
Data-driven failure diagnosis in transmission protection system with multiple events and data anomalies
A Gholami, AK Srivastava, S Pandey
Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy 7 (4), 767-778, 2019
AWR: Anticipate, withstand, and recover resilience metric for operational and planning decision support in electric distribution system
G Kandaperumal, S Pandey, A Srivastava
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 13 (1), 179-190, 2021
Mobile and portable de-icing devices for enhancing the distribution system resilience against ice storms: Preventive strategies for damage control
A Bahrami, M Yan, M Shahidehpour, S Pandey, A Vukojevic, EA Paaso
IEEE Electrification Magazine 9 (3), 120-129, 2021
Optimal operation for resilient and economic modes in an islanded alaskan grid
S Pandey, S Srivastava, G Kandaperumal, AK Srivastava, ...
2020 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), 1-5, 2020
Multi-criteria decision-making and robust optimization methodology for generator sizing of a microgrid
S Pandey, J Han, N Gurung, H Chen, EA Paaso, Z Li, A Khodaei
IEEE Access 9, 142264-142275, 2021
Is ROCOF measureable?
H Kirkham, S Pandey
2018 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies …, 2018
Cognitive flexibility of power grid operator and decision making in extreme events
S Pandey, N Patari, AK Srivastava
2019 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), 1-5, 2019
Does the increased electricity consumption (provided by capacity expansion and/or reliability improvement) cause economic growth?
H Shakouri, S Pandey, F Rahmatian, EA Paaso
Energy Policy 182, 113704, 2023
D-PMU data generation and anomaly detection using statistical and clustering techniques
A Gholami, C Qin, S Pannala, AK Srivastava, F Rahmatian, R Sharma, ...
2022 10th Workshop on Modelling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy …, 2022
Multi-objective optimization model for load management in islanded microgrids
J Han, L Yan, R Xu, Z Li, S Pandey, H Chen
2021 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), 1-5, 2021
Ensemble based technique for synchrophasor data quality and analyzing its impact on applications
A Srivastava, S Pandey, M Zhou, P Banerjee, Y Wu
Proc. North Amer. Synchrophasor Initiative (NASPI), 1-24, 2017
Detection and Classification of Anomalies in Power Distribution System Using Outlier Filtered Weighted Least Square
A Gholami, A Tiwari, C Qin, S Pannala, AK Srivastava, R Sharma, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2024
Event analysis in transmission systems using spatial temporal graph encoder decoder (stged)
A Ahmed, SK Sadanandan, S Pandey, S Basumallik, AK Srivastava, Y Wu
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 38 (6), 5329-5340, 2022
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