Cyrus Baktash
Cyrus Baktash
Oak Ridge National Lab
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Superdeformation in the Doubly Magic Nucleus C 20 40 a 20
E Ideguchi, DG Sarantites, W Reviol, AV Afanasjev, M Devlin, C Baktash, ...
Physical review letters 87 (22), 222501, 2001
Limits on the Production of Direct Photons in 200A GeV Collisions
R Albrecht, V Antonenko, TC Awes, C Barlag, F Berger, M Bloomer, ...
Physical Review Letters 76 (19), 3506, 1996
Superdeformation in the Nucleus : Experimental, Deformed Mean Field, and Spherical Shell Model Descriptions
CE Svensson, AO Macchiavelli, A Juodagalvis, A Poves, I Ragnarsson, ...
Physical Review Letters 85 (13), 2693, 2000
Coulomb Excitation of Radioactive Beams and the Low of
DC Radford, C Baktash, JR Beene, B Fuentes, A Galindo-Uribarri, ...
Physical review letters 88 (22), 222501, 2002
Identical bands in deformed and superdeformed nuclei
C Baktash, B Haas, W Nazarewicz
Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science 45 (1), 485-541, 1995
Rotational Bands in the Doubly Magic Nucleus
D Rudolph, C Baktash, MJ Brinkman, E Caurier, DJ Dean, M Devlin, ...
Physical review letters 82 (19), 3763, 1999
Performance of the recoil mass spectrometer and its detector systems at the holifield radioactive ion beam facility
CJ Gross, TN Ginter, D Shapira, WT Milner, JW McConnell, AN James, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2000
Decay Out of the Doubly Magic Superdeformed Band in the N= Z Nucleus Z 60 n
CE Svensson, D Rudolph, C Baktash, MA Bentley, JA Cameron, ...
Physical review letters 82 (17), 3400, 1999
W. Satu la, MJ Brinkman, M. Devlin, H.-Q. Jin, DR LaFosse, LL Riedinger, DG Sarantites, and C.-H. Yu
D Rudolph, C Baktash, J Dobaczewski, W Nazarewicz
Phys. Rev. Lett 80, 3018, 1998
Observation and Quadrupole-Moment Measurement of the First Superdeformed Band in the A∼ 60 Mass Region
CE Svensson, C Baktash, JA Cameron, M Devlin, J Eberth, S Flibotte, ...
Physical review letters 79 (7), 1233, 1997
Quadrupole collectivity and shapes of Os Pt nuclei
CY Wu, D Cline, T Czosnyka, A Backlin, C Baktash, RM Diamond, ...
Nuclear Physics A 607 (2), 178-234, 1996
Systematics of even-even T z= 1 nuclei in the A= 80 region: High-spin rotational bands in 74 Kr, 78 Sr, and 82 Zr
D Rudolph, C Baktash, CJ Gross, W Satula, R Wyss, I Birriel, M Devlin, ...
Physical Review C 56 (1), 98, 1997
Search for axions from the 1115-keV transition of
FT Avignone III, C Baktash, WC Barker, FP Calaprice, RW Dunford, ...
Physical Review D 37 (3), 618, 1988
Measurements for Radioactive Neutron-Rich Ge Isotopes: <?format ?>Reaching the Closed Shell
E Padilla-Rodal, A Galindo-Uribarri, C Baktash, JC Batchelder, JR Beene, ...
Physical review letters 94 (12), 122501, 2005
First Observation of a Superdeformed Band in the N, Z≈ 40 Mass Region
C Baktash, DM Cullen, JD Garrett, CJ Gross, NR Johnson, W Nazarewicz, ...
Physical review letters 74 (11), 1946, 1995
JF Mas. WT Milner, SD Paul, D. Shapira. X. J. Xu, and CH Yu
JC Batchelder, CR Bingham, K Rykaczewski, KS Toth, T Davinson, ...
Phys. Rev. C 57, R1042, 1998
Smooth Termination of Rotational Bands in Z 62 n: Evidence for a Loss of Collectivity
CE Svensson, C Baktash, GC Ball, JA Cameron, M Devlin, J Eberth, ...
Physical review letters 80 (12), 2558, 1998
Experimental and theoretical investigations of quadrupole collective degrees of freedom in 104Ru
J Srebrny, T Czosnyka, C Droste, SG Rohoziński, L Próchniak, K Zajac, ...
Nuclear Physics A 766, 25-51, 2006
High-spin shell-model states near 56Ni
D Rudolph, C Baktash, MJ Brinkman, M Devlin, HQ Jin, DR LaFosse, ...
The European Physical Journal A-Hadrons and Nuclei 4, 115-145, 1999
The proposed Majorana 76Ge double-beta decay experiment
CE Aalseth, D Anderson, R Arthur, FT Avignone III, C Baktash, T Ball, ...
Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements 138, 217-220, 2005
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