David Connah
David Connah
Data Scientist
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A comparative study of the characterisation of colour cameras by means of neural networks and polynomial transforms
V Cheung, S Westland, D Connah, C Ripamonti
Coloration technology 120 (1), 19-25, 2004
Characterization of trichromatic color cameras by using a new multispectral imaging technique
V Cheung, S Westland, C Li, J Hardeberg, D Connah
JOSA A 22 (7), 1231-1240, 2005
Recovering spectral information using digital camera systems
D Connah, S Westland, MGA Thomson
Coloration technology 117 (6), 309-312, 2001
Spectral recovery using polynomial models
DR Connah, JY Hardeberg
Color Imaging X: Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications 5667, 65-75, 2005
Improved method for skin reflectance reconstruction from camera images
K Xiao, Y Zhu, C Li, D Connah, JM Yates, S Wuerger
Optics Express 24 (13), 14934-14950, 2016
Spectral edge image fusion: Theory and applications
D Connah, MS Drew, GD Finlayson
Computer Vision–ECCV 2014: 13th European Conference, Zurich, Switzerland …, 2014
Perceptual color characterization of cameras
J Vazquez-Corral, D Connah, M Bertalmío
Sensors 14 (12), 23205-23229, 2014
Automatic age and gender classification using supervised appearance model
AM Bukar, H Ugail, D Connah
Journal of Electronic Imaging 25 (6), 061605-061605, 2016
Multispectral imaging: How many sensors do we need?
D Connah, A Alsam, JY Hardeberg
Color and Imaging Conference 12, 53-58, 2004
Comparison of linear spectral reconstruction methods for multispectral imaging
D Connah, JY Hardeberg, S Westland
2004 International Conference on Image Processing, 2004. ICIP'04. 3, 1497-1500, 2004
Lookup-table-based gradient field reconstruction
GD Finlayson, D Connah, MS Drew
IEEE transactions on image processing 20 (10), 2827-2836, 2011
Can gamut mapping quality be predicted by colour image difference formulae?
E Bando, JY Hardeberg, D Connah
Human Vision and Electronic Imaging X 5666, 180-191, 2005
Improved colour to greyscale via integrability correction
MS Drew, D Connah, GD Finlayson, M Bloj
Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XIV 7240, 428-437, 2009
Seeing beyond luminance: A psychophysical comparison of techniques for converting colour images to greyscale
D Connah, GD Finlayson, M Bloj
Color and Imaging Conference 15, 336-341, 2007
Using local binary pattern operators for colour constant image indexing
D Connah, GD Finlayson
Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision 3, 60-64, 2006
Method and system for generating accented image data
D Connah, MS Drew, G Finlayson
US Patent 8,682,093, 2014
Optimization of a multispectral imaging system
D Connah, S Westland, MGA Thomson
Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision 1, 619-622, 2002
Weighted constrained hue-plane preserving camera characterization
CF Andersen, D Connah
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 25 (9), 4329-4339, 2016
Individualised model of facial age synthesis based on constrained regression
AM Bukar, H Ugail, D Connah
2015 International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and …, 2015
The use of thermographic imaging to evaluate therapeutic response in human tumour xenograft models
N Hussain, D Connah, H Ugail, PA Cooper, RA Falconer, LH Patterson, ...
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 31136, 2016
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