James R. Riehl
James R. Riehl
Postdoctoral Researcher, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
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Networks of conforming or nonconforming individuals tend to reach satisfactory decisions
P Ramazi, J Riehl, M Cao
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (46), 12985-12990, 2016
Cooperative search by UAV teams: A model predictive approach using dynamic graphs
JR Riehl, GE Collins, JP Hespanha
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 47 (4), 2637-2656, 2011
A survey on the analysis and control of evolutionary matrix games
J Riehl, P Ramazi, M Cao
Annual Reviews in Control 45, 87-106, 2018
Towards optimal control of evolutionary games on networks
JR Riehl, M Cao
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 62 (1), 458-462, 2016
Honey-pot constrained searching with local sensory information
B DasGupta, JP Hespanha, J Riehl, E Sontag
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 65 (9), 1773-1793, 2006
Cooperative graph-based model predictive search
JR Riehl, GE Collins, JP Hespanha
2007 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2998-3004, 2007
Incentive-based control of asynchronous best-response dynamics on binary decision networks
J Riehl, P Ramazi, M Cao
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 6 (2), 727-736, 2018
Fractal graph optimization algorithms
JR Riehl, JP Hespanha
Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2188-2193, 2005
A UAV routing and sensor control optimization algorithm for target search
GE Collins, JR Riehl, PS Vegdahl
Unmanned Systems Technology IX 6561, 121-133, 2007
Control of stochastic evolutionary games on networks
JR Riehl, M Cao
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (22), 76-81, 2015
Homophily, heterophily and the diversity of messages among decision-making individuals
P Ramazi, J Riehl, M Cao
Royal Society open science 5 (4), 180027, 2018
High-energy brain dynamics during anesthesia-induced unconsciousness
JR Riehl, BJ Palanca, SN Ching
Network Neuroscience 1 (4), 431-445, 2017
Towards control of evolutionary games on networks
JR Riehl, M Cao
53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2877-2882, 2014
A centrality-based security game for multihop networks
JR Riehl, M Cao
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 5 (4), 1507-1516, 2017
Cooperative graph search using fractal decomposition
JR Riehl, JP Hespanha
2007 American Control Conference, 2557-2562, 2007
The lower convergence tendency of imitators compared to best responders
P Ramazi, J Riehl, M Cao
Automatica 139, 110185, 2022
Transaction pricing for maximizing throughput in a sharded blockchain ledger
JR Riehl, J Ward
2020 Crypto Valley Conference on Blockchain Technology (CVCBT), 36-42, 2020
Minimal-agent control of evolutionary games on tree networks
JR Riehl, M Cao
The 21st international symposium on mathematical theory of networks and …, 2014
Controlling networks of imitative agents
J Riehl, P Ramazi, M Cao
2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 1707-1712, 2017
Optimizing the dynamics of spiking networks for decoding and control
F Huang, J Riehl, SN Ching
2017 American Control Conference (ACC), 2792-2798, 2017
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