Valeria Riccardo
Valeria Riccardo
Head of Mechanical Engineering, Commonwealth Fusion Systems
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MHD stability, operational limits and disruptions
TC Hender, JC Wesley, J Bialek, A Bondeson, AH Boozer, RJ Buttery, ...
Nuclear fusion 47 (6), S128, 2007
The FLUXNET2015 dataset and the ONEFlux processing pipeline for eddy covariance data
G Pastorello, C Trotta, E Canfora, H Chu, D Christianson, YW Cheah, ...
Scientific data 7 (1), 225, 2020
JET ITER-like wall—overview and experimental programme
GF Matthews, M Beurskens, S Brezinsek, M Groth, E Joffrin, A Loving, ...
Physica Scripta 2011 (T145), 014001, 2011
Disruptions in ITER and strategies for their control and mitigation
M Lehnen, K Aleynikova, PB Aleynikov, DJ Campbell, P Drewelow, ...
Journal of Nuclear materials 463, 39-48, 2015
Survey of disruption causes at JET
PC De Vries, MF Johnson, B Alper, P Buratti, TC Hender, HR Koslowski, ...
Nuclear fusion 51 (5), 053018, 2011
Principal physics developments evaluated in the ITER design review
RJ Hawryluk, DJ Campbell, G Janeschitz, PR Thomas, R Albanese, ...
Nuclear Fusion 49 (6), 065012, 2009
Overview of the ITER-like wall project
GF Matthews, P Edwards, T Hirai, M Kear, A Lioure, P Lomas, A Loving, ...
Physica Scripta 2007 (T128), 137, 2007
Disruption mitigation by massive gas injection in JET
M Lehnen, A Alonso, G Arnoux, N Baumgarten, SA Bozhenkov, ...
Nuclear fusion 51 (12), 123010, 2011
Overview of the JET results in support to ITER
X Litaudon, S Abduallev, M Abhangi, P Abreu, M Afzal, KM Aggarwal, ...
Nuclear Fusion 57 (10), 102001, 2017
Transient heat loads in current fusion experiments, extrapolation to ITER and consequences for its operation
A Loarte, G Saibene, R Sartori, V Riccardo, P Andrew, J Paley, ...
Physica Scripta 2007 (T128), 222, 2007
Runaway electron beam generation and mitigation during disruptions at JET-ILW
C Reux, V Plyusnin, B Alper, D Alves, B Bazylev, E Belonohy, A Boboc, ...
Nuclear Fusion 55 (9), 093013, 2015
Study of runaway electron generation during major disruptions in JET
VV Plyusnin, V Riccardo, R Jaspers, B Alper, VG Kiptily, J Mlynar, ...
Nuclear Fusion 46 (2), 277, 2006
Impact and mitigation of disruptions with the ITER-like wall in JET
M Lehnen, G Arnoux, S Brezinsek, J Flanagan, SN Gerasimov, ...
Nuclear Fusion 53 (9), 093007, 2013
Efficient generation of energetic ions in multi-ion plasmas by radio-frequency heating
YO Kazakov, J Ongena, JC Wright, SJ Wukitch, E Lerche, MJ Mantsinen, ...
Nature Physics 13 (10), 973-978, 2017
Behaviour of disruption generated runaways in JET
RD Gill, B Alper, M De Baar, TC Hender, MF Johnson, V Riccardo
Nuclear fusion 42 (8), 1039, 2002
Overview of the JET results with the ITER-like wall
F Romanelli, JETE Contributors
Nuclear Fusion 53 (10), 104002, 2013
Melt damage to the JET ITER-like Wall and divertor
GF Matthews, B Bazylev, A Baron-Wiechec, J Coenen, K Heinola, ...
Physica Scripta 2016 (T167), 014070, 2016
JET disruption studies in support of ITER
V Riccardo, G Arnoux, P Cahyna, TC Hender, A Huber, S Jachmich, ...
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 52 (12), 124018, 2010
The impact of the ITER-like wall at JET on disruptions
PC De Vries, G Arnoux, A Huber, J Flanagan, M Lehnen, V Riccardo, ...
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 54 (12), 124032, 2012
Power deposition onto plasma facing components in poloidal divertor tokamaks during type-I ELMs and disruptions
T Eich, A Herrmann, G Pautasso, P Andrew, N Asakura, JA Boedo, ...
Journal of nuclear materials 337, 669-676, 2005
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