Bonfiglio N S
Bonfiglio N S
IRCCS Fatebenefratteli, Brescia
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Challenges raising a gifted child: Stress and resilience factors within the family
R Renati, NS Bonfiglio, S Pfeiffer
Gifted Education International 33 (2), 145-162, 2017
The resilience scale for adults in italy: A validation study comparing clinical substance abusers with a nonclinical sample.
NS Bonfiglio, R Renati, O Hjemdal, O Friborg
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 30 (4), 509, 2016
Gifted children through the eyes of their parents: Talents, social-emotional challenges, and educational strategies from preschool through middle school
R Renati, NS Bonfiglio, M Dilda, ML Mascia, MP Penna
Children 10 (1), 42, 2022
Italian University students’ resilience during the COVID-19 lockdown—a structural equation model about the relationship between resilience, emotion regulation and well-being
R Renati, NS Bonfiglio, D Rollo
European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education 13 (2 …, 2023
Digital help for substance users (SU): A systematic review
NS Bonfiglio, ML Mascia, S Cataudella, MP Penna
International journal of environmental research and public health 19 (18), 11309, 2022
Validation of a substance craving questionnaire (SCQ) in Italian population
NS Bonfiglio, R Renati, M Agus, MP Penna
Addictive Behaviors Reports 9, 100172, 2019
Impulsiveness and time perception in alcohol dependent patients in alcoholic rehabilitation treatment
S Cangemi, I Giorgi, NS Bonfiglio, R Renati, G Vittadini
G Ital Med Lav Ergon 32 (3 Suppl B), B23-B28, 2010
An exploratory study on the relationship between video game addiction and the constructs of coping and resilience
NS Bonfiglio, R Renati, S Costa, D Rollo, F Sulla, MP Penna
2020 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications …, 2020
Digital treatment paths for substance use disorders (SUDs)
NS Bonfiglio, ML Mascia, MP Penna
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (12), 7322, 2022
Use of training with BCI (Brain Computer Interface) in the management of impulsivity
NS Bonfiglio, R Renati, D Parodi, E Pessa, D Rollo, MP Penna
2020 IEEE international symposium on medical measurements and applications …, 2020
Classification algorithms analysis for brain–computer interface in drug craving therapy
M Mazzoleni, F Previdi, NS Bonfiglio
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 52, 463-472, 2019
La resilienza tra rischio e opportunità: un approccio alla cura orientato alla resilienza
NS Bonfiglio, R Renati, PM Farneti
Alpes Italia, 2012
Caratteristiche di personalità in un campione di soggetti che lamentano vessazioni sul posto di lavoro
C Raho, I Giorgi, NS Bonfiglio, P Argentero
G Ital Med Lav Erg 30 (1), A80-A86, 2008
Burnout in volunteer health workers
P Argentero, NS Bonfiglio, R Pasero
Giornale italiano di medicina del lavoro ed ergonomia 28 (3 Suppl 2), 77-82, 2006
Challenges of preadolescence in the school context: A systematic review of protective/risk factors and intervention programmes
ML Mascia, G Langiu, NS Bonfiglio, MP Penna, S Cataudella
Education Sciences 13 (2), 130, 2023
Polysubstance use patterns among outpatients undergoing substance use disorder treatment: a latent class analysis
NS Bonfiglio, I Portoghese, R Renati, ML Mascia, MP Penna
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (24), 16759, 2022
Il burnout negli operatori sanitari volontari
P Argentero, NS Bonfiglio, R Pasero
G Ital Med Lav Erg 28 (3), 77-82, 2006
La percezione del mobbing: Alcune determinanti individuali ed organizzative
P Argentero, W Zanaletti, NS Bonfiglio
Risorsa uomo. Fascicolo 2/3, 2004, 1000-1023, 2004
The Italian version of the mobile phone problematic use scale for adults (MPPUS): A validation study
M Agus, ML Mascia, NS Bonfiglio, MP Penna
Heliyon 8 (12), 2022
The use of cognitive training, combined with tDCS, for craving reduction and inhibitory control improvement in cocaine dependence: A case study
NS Bonfiglio, R Renati, K Di Lucia, D Rollo, MP Penna
2021 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications …, 2021
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