David Cheyns
David Cheyns
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8.4% efficient fullerene-free organic solar cells exploiting long-range exciton energy transfer
K Cnops, BP Rand, D Cheyns, B Verreet, MA Empl, P Heremans
Nature communications 5 (1), 3406, 2014
Strategies for increasing the efficiency of heterojunction organic solar cells: material selection and device architecture
P Heremans, D Cheyns, BP Rand
Accounts of chemical research 42 (11), 1740-1747, 2009
P3HT/PCBM bulk heterojunction solar cells: Relation between morphology and electro-optical characteristics
P Vanlaeke, A Swinnen, I Haeldermans, G Vanhoyland, T Aernouts, ...
Solar energy materials and solar cells 90 (14), 2150-2158, 2006
The impact of molecular orientation on the photovoltaic properties of a phthalocyanine/fullerene heterojunction
BP Rand, D Cheyns, K Vasseur, NC Giebink, S Mothy, Y Yi, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 22 (14), 2987-2995, 2012
Solution-Processed MoO3 Thin Films As a Hole-Injection Layer for Organic Solar Cells
C Girotto, E Voroshazi, D Cheyns, P Heremans, BP Rand
ACS applied materials & interfaces 3 (9), 3244-3247, 2011
Pinhole-free perovskite films for efficient solar modules
W Qiu, T Merckx, M Jaysankar, CM De La Huerta, L Rakocevic, W Zhang, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 9 (2), 484-489, 2016
Delocalization and dielectric screening of charge transfer states in organic photovoltaic cells
B Bernardo, D Cheyns, B Verreet, RD Schaller, BP Rand, NC Giebink
Nature communications 5 (1), 3245, 2014
Analytical model for the open-circuit voltage and its associated resistance in organic planar heterojunction solar cells
D Cheyns, J Poortmans, P Heremans, C Deibel, S Verlaak, BP Rand, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (16), 165332, 2008
Design of transparent anodes for resonant cavity enhanced light harvesting in organic solar cells
NP Sergeant, A Hadipour, B Niesen, D Cheyns, P Heremans, P Peumans, ...
Advanced materials 24 (6), 728-732, 2012
Electronic structure and geminate pair energetics at organic–organic interfaces: the case of pentacene/C60 heterojunctions
S Verlaak, D Beljonne, D Cheyns, C Rolin, M Linares, F Castet, J Cornil, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 19 (23), 3809-3814, 2009
A round robin study of flexible large-area roll-to-roll processed polymer solar cell modules
FC Krebs, SA Gevorgyan, B Gholamkhass, S Holdcroft, C Schlenker, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 93 (11), 1968-1977, 2009
Electro‐optical study of subphthalocyanine in a bilayer organic solar cell
HHP Gommans, D Cheyns, T Aernouts, C Girotto, J Poortmans, ...
Advanced functional materials 17 (15), 2653-2658, 2007
Nonhazardous solvent systems for processing perovskite photovoltaics
KL Gardner, JG Tait, T Merckx, W Qiu, UW Paetzold, L Kootstra, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 6 (14), 1600386, 2016
Energy level tuning of non-fullerene acceptors in organic solar cells
K Cnops, G Zango, J Genoe, P Heremans, MV Martinez-Diaz, T Torres, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 137 (28), 8991-8997, 2015
Gravure printed flexible organic photovoltaic modules
P Kopola, T Aernouts, R Sliz, S Guillerez, M Ylikunnari, D Cheyns, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 95 (5), 1344-1347, 2011
Rapid composition screening for perovskite photovoltaics via concurrently pumped ultrasonic spray coating
JG Tait, S Manghooli, W Qiu, L Rakocevic, L Kootstra, M Jaysankar, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 4 (10), 3792-3797, 2016
A 4% efficient organic solar cell using a fluorinated fused subphthalocyanine dimer as an electron acceptor
B Verreet, P Heremans, BP Rand, D Cheyns, A Hadipour, T Aernouts, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 1, 2011
An electron beam evaporated TiO 2 layer for high efficiency planar perovskite solar cells on flexible polyethylene terephthalate substrates
W Qiu, UW Paetzold, R Gehlhaar, V Smirnov, HG Boyen, JG Tait, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 3 (45), 22824-22829, 2015
Polythiophene based bulk heterojunction solar cells: Morphology and its implications
P Vanlaeke, G Vanhoyland, T Aernouts, D Cheyns, C Deibel, J Manca, ...
Thin solid films 511, 358-361, 2006
Organic tandem solar cells with complementary absorbing layers and a high open-circuit voltage
D Cheyns, BP Rand, P Heremans
Applied Physics Letters 97 (3), 2010
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