Rémy Lecat
Rémy Lecat
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Productivity trends in advanced countries between 1890 and 2012
A Bergeaud, G Cette, R Lecat
Review of Income and Wealth 62 (3), 420-444, 2016
Determinants of productivity per employee: An empirical estimation using panel data
N Belorgey, R Lecat, TP Maury
Economics Letters 91 (2), 153-157, 2006
Coase lecture‐the inverted‐U relationship between credit access and productivity growth
P Aghion, A Bergeaud, G Cette, R Lecat, H Maghin
Economica 86 (341), 1-31, 2019
Total factor productivity in advanced countries: A long-term perspective
A Bergeaud, G Cette, R Lecat
International Productivity Monitor, 6, 2017
Firm-level productivity dispersion and convergence
G Cette, S Corde, R Lecat
Economics Letters 166, 76-78, 2018
What role do financial factors play in house price dynamics
R Lecat, JS Mesonnier
Banque de France Bulletin Digest 134, 1-37, 2005
The role of production factor quality and technology diffusion in twentieth-century productivity growth
A Bergeaud, G Cette, R Lecat
Cliometrica 12, 61-97, 2018
Stagnation of productivity in France: a legacy of the crisis or a structural slowdown?
G Cette, S Corde, R Lecat
Economie et Statistique/Economics and Statistics, 11-36, 2017
Convergence of firm-level productivity, globalisation and information technology: Evidence from France
PA Chevalier, R Lecat, N Oulton
Economics Letters 116 (2), 244-246, 2012
Production factor returns: the role of factor utilization
G Cette, N Dromel, R Lecat, AC Paret
Review of Economics and Statistics 97 (1), 134-143, 2015
The’Housing Bubble’and Financial Factors: Insights from a Structural Model of the French and Spanish Residential Markets
P Antipa, R Lecat
Housing Markets in Europe: A Macroeconomic Perspective, 161-186, 2010
Real estate prices and corporate investment: theory and evidence of heterogeneous effects across firms
D Fougère, R Lecat, S Ray
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 51 (6), 1503-1546, 2019
GDP per capita in advanced countries over the 20th century
A Bergeaud, G Cette, R Lecat
Banque de France working paper, 2015
Service deregulation, competition, and the performance of French and Italian firms
F Daveri, R Lecat, ML Parisi
Scottish Journal of Political Economy 63 (3), 278-302, 2016
The circular relationship between productivity growth and real interest rates
A Bergeaud, G Cette, R Lecat
Banque de France Working Paper, 2019
Market shares and trade specialisation of France, Germany and Italy
O de Bandt, H Herrmann, G Parigi, A Felettigh, R Lecat, B Pluyaud, ...
Convergence or Divergence in Europe? Growth and Business Cycles in France …, 2006
Long-term growth impact of climate change and policies: the Advanced Climate Change Long-term (ACCL) scenario building model
C Alestra, G Cette, V Chouard, R Lecat
Banque de France Working Paper, 2020
Competitiveness and the export performance of the euro area
R Anderton, W Melyn, A Jochem, NM Pakinezou, J Torres, R Lecat, ...
Occasional Paper Series, 2005
Long-term growth and productivity projections in advanced countries
G Cette, R Lecat, C Ly-Marin
Banque de France Working Paper, 2017
The housing market: the impact of macroprudential measures in France
S Avouyi-Dovi, C Labonne, R Lecat
Financial Stability Review, 195-206, 2014
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