Hong Shen
Hong Shen
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Relativistic equation of state of nuclear matter for supernova and neutron star
H Shen, H Toki, K Oyamatsu, K Sumiyoshi
Nuclear Physics A 637 (3), 435-450, 1998
Relativistic equation of state of nuclear matter for supernova explosion
H Shen, H Toki, K Oyamatsu, K Sumiyoshi
Progress of Theoretical Physics 100 (5), 1013-1031, 1998
Postbounce evolution of core-collapse supernovae: long-term effects of the equation of state
K Sumiyoshi, S Yamada, H Suzuki, H Shen, S Chiba, H Toki
The Astrophysical Journal 629 (2), 922, 2005
Relativistic equation of state for core-collapse supernova simulations
H Shen, H Toki, K Oyamatsu, K Sumiyoshi
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 197 (2), 20, 2011
Complete relativistic equation of state for neutron stars
H Shen
Physical Review C 65 (3), 035802, 2002
Influence of the hadronic equation of state on the hadron-quark phase transition in neutron stars
F Yang, H Shen
Physical Review C 77 (2), 025801, 2008
Double-Λ hypernuclei in the relativistic mean-field theory
H Shen, F Yang, H Toki
Progress of theoretical physics 115 (2), 325-335, 2006
The possibility of the secondary object in GW190814 as a neutron star
K Huang, J Hu, Y Zhang, H Shen
The Astrophysical Journal 904 (1), 39, 2020
Quark mean field model for nuclear matter and finite nuclei
H Shen, H Toki
Physical Review C 61 (4), 045205, 2000
Effects of Symmetry Energy on the Equation of State for Simulations of Core-collapse Supernovae and Neutron-star Mergers
H Shen, F Ji, J Hu, K Sumiyoshi
The Astrophysical Journal 891 (2), 148, 2020
Effects of the symmetry energy on properties of neutron star crusts near the neutron drip density
SS Bao, JN Hu, ZW Zhang, H Shen
Physical Review C 90 (4), 045802, 2014
Superfluidity of Λ hyperons in neutron stars
YN Wang, H Shen
Physical Review C 81 (2), 025801, 2010
Chiral sigma model with pion mean field in finite nuclei
Y Ogawa, H Toki, S Tamenaga, H Shen, A Hosaka, S Sugimoto, K Ikeda
Progress of theoretical physics 111 (1), 75-92, 2004
Relativistic mean field approach with density dependent couplings for finite nuclei
H Shen, Y Sugahara, H Toki
Physical Review C 55 (3), 1211, 1997
Influence of the symmetry energy on nuclear “pasta” in neutron star crusts
SS Bao, H Shen
Physical Review C 89 (4), 045807, 2014
Study of Λ hypernuclei in the quark mean-field model
H Shen, H Toki
Nuclear Physics A 707 (3-4), 469-476, 2002
Finite-size effects on the hadron-quark phase transition in neutron stars
XH Wu, H Shen
Physical Review C 96 (2), 025802, 2017
Impact of the symmetry energy on nuclear pasta phases and crust-core transition in neutron stars
SS Bao, H Shen
Physical Review C 91 (1), 015807, 2015
Nuclear symmetry energy and hadron-quark mixed phase in neutron stars
XH Wu, H Shen
Physical Review C 99 (6), 065802, 2019
Effects of nuclear symmetry energy and equation of state on neutron star properties
F Ji, J Hu, S Bao, H Shen
Physical Review C 100 (4), 045801, 2019
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