Mark Ahn, PhD
Mark Ahn, PhD
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The effectiveness of risk management: an analysis of project risk planning across industries and countries
O Zwikael, M Ahn
Risk Analysis: An International Journal 31 (1), 25-37, 2011
From leaders to leadership: Managing change
MJ Ahn, JSA Adamson, D Dornbusch
Journal of leadership & organizational studies 10 (4), 112-123, 2004
Resource-based and institution-based approaches to biotechnology industry development in Malaysia
MJ Ahn, AS York
Asia Pacific Journal of Management 28, 257-275, 2011
Are Leadership Values Different Across Generations?: A Comparative Leadership Analysis of CEOs v. MBAs
M Ahn, L Ettner
Journal of Management Development 33 (10), 2014
Building a conducive environment for life science-based entrepreneurship and industry clusters
MJ Ahn, M Meeks
Journal of commercial biotechnology 14, 20-30, 2008
Technological invention to product innovation: A project management approach
MJ Ahn, O Zwikael, R Bednarek
International Journal of Project Management 28 (6), 559-568, 2010
Enablers and barriers to university and high technology SME partnerships
M Collier, A., Gray, B., & Ahn
Small Enterprise Research 18 (1), 2-18, 2011
Cultural intelligence (CQ) in MBA curricula
MJ Ahn, L Ettner
Multicultural Education & Technology Journal 7 (1), 4-16, 2013
University technology transfer office success factors: a comparative case study
AS York, MJ Ahn
International journal of technology transfer and commercialisation 11 (1-2 …, 2012
Exploring technology agglomeration patterns for multinational pharmaceutical and biotechnology firms
MJ Ahn, M Meeks, S Davenport, R Bednarek
Journal of Commercial Biotechnology 16, 17-32, 2010
Strategic Risk Management: How Global Corporations Manage Financial Risk for Competitive Advantage
MJ Ahn, WD Falloon
How global Corporations Manage Financial Risk For Competitive Advantage …, 1991
Values v. Traits-Based Approaches to Leadership: Insights from an Analysis of the Aeneid
MJ Ahn, LW Ettner, A Loupin
Leadership & Organization Development Journal 33 (2), 112-130, 2012
High technology in emerging markets: Building biotechnology clusters, capabilities and competitiveness in India
MJ Ahn, A Hajela, M Akbar
Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration 4 (1), 23-41, 2012
Ethics and the HIV/AIDS Pandemic in the Developing World
A Ahn, M, Grimwood, A, Schwarzwald, H & Herman
Journal of International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care 2 (2), 81-87, 2003
From clinical phenotype to genotypic modelling: incidence and prevalence of recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (RDEB)
S Eichstadt, JY Tang, DC Solis, Z Siprashvili, MP Marinkovich, ...
Clinical, cosmetic and investigational dermatology, 933-942, 2019
Stakeholder collaboration and engagement in virtual projects
O Zwikael, AA Elias, MJ Ahn
International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations 10 (2), 117-136, 2012
From Classical to Contemporary Leadership Challenges: A Values-Based Leadership View
MJ Ahn, LW Ettner, A Loupin
Journal of Leadership Studies 5 (1), 6-22, 2011
Death of distance?—biotechnology agglomeration patterns, alliance proximity, and firm performance
MJ Ahn, MD Meeks, S Davenport, R Bednarek
International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management 6 (03), 247-264, 2009
Eye health in New Zealand: A study of public knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to eye health and disease
MJ Ahn, L Frederikson, B Borman, R Bednarek
Health Education 111 (2), 147-155, 2011
On valuing biopharmaceutical product pipelines: an effectuation model and evidence
MJ Ahn, AS York, W Wu, Y Suharto, T Daim
Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 4, 1-19, 2015
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