Pratheeksha Nair
Pratheeksha Nair
PhD Candidate, McGill University
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Inferring multimodal latent topics from electronic health records
Y Li, P Nair, XH Lu, Z Wen, Y Wang, AAK Dehaghi, Y Miao, W Liu, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 2536, 2020
Group equivariant deep reinforcement learning
AK Mondal, P Nair, K Siddiqi
arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.03437, 2020
Global surveillance of covid-19 by mining news media using a multi-source dynamic embedded topic model
Y Li, P Nair, Z Wen, I Chafi, A Okhmatovskaia, G Powell, Y Shen, ...
Proceedings of the 11th ACM International Conference on Bioinformatics …, 2020
A scalable clustering algorithm for serendipity in recommender systems
AA Deshmukh, P Nair, S Rao
2018 IEEE international conference on data mining workshops (ICDMW), 1279-1288, 2018
Mining heterogeneous clinical notes by multi-modal latent topic model
Z Wen, P Nair, CY Deng, XH Lu, E Moseley, N George, C Lindvall, Y Li
PloS one 16 (4), e0249622, 2021
TRAFFICVIS: visualizing organized activity and spatio-temporal patterns for detecting and labeling human trafficking
CF Catalina Vajiac, Duen Horng Chau, Andreas Olligschlaeger, Rebecca ...
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics, 2022
A Faster Sampling Algorithm for Spherical -means
R Pratap, A Deshmukh, P Nair, T Dutt
Asian Conference on Machine Learning, 343-358, 2018
Extracting person names from user generated text: Named-entity recognition for combating human trafficking
Y Li, P Nair, K Pelrine, R Rabbany
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2022, 2854-2868, 2022
Scaling up simhash
R Pratap, A Deshmukh, P Nair, A Ravi
Asian Conference on Machine Learning, 705-720, 2020
T-NET: Weakly Supervised Graph Learning for Combatting Human Trafficking
P Nair, J Liu, C Vajiac, A Olligschlaeger, DH Chau, M Cazzolato, C Jones, ...
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 38 (20), 22276 …, 2024
VisPaD: Visualization and Pattern Discovery for Fighting Human Trafficking
P Nair, Y Li, C Vajiac, A Olligschlaeger, MC Lee, N Park, DH Chau, ...
Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference 2022, 2022
TRAFFICVIS: Fighting Human Trafficking through Visualization
C Vajiac, A Olligschlaeger, Y Li, P Nair, MC Lee, N Park, R Rabbany, ...
Social Media as a Vector for Escort Ads: A Study on OnlyFans advertisements on Twitter
M Arenas, P Nair, R Rabbany, G Farnadi
15th ACM Web Science Conference 2023 (WebSci '23), April 30-May 1, 2023 …, 2023
Epistemic Integrity in Large Language Models
B Ghafouri, S Mohammadzadeh, J Zhou, P Nair, JJ Tian, M Goel, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.06528, 2024
SWEET-Weakly Supervised Person Name Extraction for Fighting Human Trafficking
J Liu, H Yu, V Sujaya, P Nair, K Pelrine, R Rabbany
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023, 3355-3367, 2023
[SRW] SWEET: Weakly Supervised Person Name Extraction for Fighting Human Trafficking
J Liu, P Yu, V Sujaya, P Nair, K Pelrine, R Rabbany
The 61st Annual Meeting Of The Association For Computational Linguistics, 2023
TRAFFICBOARD: Digital Spatio-Temporal Pinboard for Human Trafficking Detection
C Vajiac, DH Chau, A Olligschlaeger, P Nair, MC Lee, MT Cazzolato, ...
A Study on Active Learning for Graphs
P Nair, Z Wen
Weakly Supervised Graph Contrastive Learning
P Nair, R Rabbany
2022 IEEE Visualization & Visual Analytics Conference
E Lee-Robbins, E Adar, F Visualizations, L Padilla, R Fygenson, ...
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