Організація міжбюджетних відносин в Україні: стан, проблеми і перспективи СВ Юшко
Фінанси України, 86-97, 2009
88 2009 Tunneling and magnetic characteristics of superconducting single crystals MI Tsindlekht, GI Leviev, I Asulin, A Sharoni, O Millo, I Felner, YB Paderno, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 69 (21), 212508, 2004
70 2004 Phase-coherent charge transport in superconducting heterocontacts M Belogolovskii, M Grajcar, P Kúš, A Plecenik, Š Beňačka, P Seidel
Physical Review B 59 (14), 9617, 1999
54 1999 Anomalous electron-phonon coupling probed on the surface of superconductor R Khasanov, D Di Castro, M Belogolovskii, Y Paderno, V Filippov, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (22), 224509, 2005
44 2005 Принципы электронной туннельной спектроскопии ЕЛ Вольф, МА Белоголовский
Наукова думка, 1990
42 1990 Linear and nonlinear low-frequency electrodynamics of surface superconducting states in an yttrium hexaboride single crystal MI Tsindlekht, VM Genkin, GI Leviev, I Felner, O Yuli, I Asulin, O Millo, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (2), 024522, 2008
38 2008 Studies of resistance switching effects in metal/YBa2Cu3O7− x interface junctions A Plecenik, M Tomasek, T Plecenik, M Truchly, J Noskovic, M Zahoran, ...
Applied surface science 256 (18), 5684-5687, 2010
36 2010 Nb/Al–AlOx–Nb superconducting heterostructures: A promising class of self-shunted Josephson junctions V Lacquaniti, N De Leo, M Fretto, A Sosso, M Belogolovskii
Journal of Applied Physics 108 (9), 2010
35 2010 Universality of transport properties of ultrathin oxide films V Lacquaniti, M Belogolovskii, C Cassiago, N De Leo, M Fretto, A Sosso
New Journal of Physics 14 (2), 023025, 2012
34 2012 Effect of crystallographic anisotropy on the resistance switching phenomenon in perovskites T Plecenik, M Tomášek, M Belogolovskii, M Truchly, M Gregor, J Noskovič, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 111 (5), 2012
32 2012 Interface resistive switching effects in bulk manganites M Belogolovskii
Open Physics 7 (2), 304-309, 2009
32 2009 Inelastic electron tunneling across magnetically active interfaces in cuprate and manganite heterostructures modified by electromigration processes MA Belogolovskiı̆, YF Revenko, AY Gerasimenko, VM Svistunov, E Hatta, ...
Low Temperature Physics 28 (6), 391-394, 2002
31 2002 Intrinsically shunted Josephson junctions for electronics applications M Belogolovskii, E Zhitlukhina, V Lacquaniti, N De Leo, M Fretto, A Sosso
Low Temperature Physics 43 (7), 756-765, 2017
29 2017 Engineering overdamped niobium-based Josephson junctions for operation above 4.2 K V Lacquaniti, D Andreone, N De Leo, M Fretto, A Sosso, M Belogolovskii
IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity 19 (3), 234-237, 2009
29 2009 Anomalous inner-gap structure in transport characteristics of superconducting junctions with degraded interfaces E Zhitlukhina, I Devyatov, O Egorov, M Belogolovskii, P Seidel
Nanoscale research letters 11, 1-9, 2016
27 2016 Analysis of internally shunted Josephson junctions V Lacquaniti, C Cassiago, N De Leo, M Fretto, A Sosso, P Febvre, ...
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 26 (3), 1-5, 2016
27 2016 Transition from Coulomb blockade to resonant transmission regime in superconducting tunnel junctions with W-doped Si barriers V Shaternik, A Shapovalov, M Belogolovskii, O Suvorov, S Döring, ...
Materials Research Express 1 (2), 026001, 2014
27 2014 Analysis of the Temperature Stability of Overdamped Josephson Junctions V Lacquaniti, D Andreone, N De Leo, M Fretto, S Maggi, A Sosso, ...
IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity 17 (2), 609-612, 2007
26 2007 Tunneling spectroscopy of quasiparticle excitations in metals VM Svistunov, MA Belogolovskii
Nauk. Dumka, Ukraine, Kiev, 147, 1986
26 1986 Elastic tunneling spectroscopy of single-particle excitations in metals VM Svistunov, AI D'yachenko, MA Belogolovskii
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 31, 339-356, 1978
25 1978