Josip Sertić
Josip Sertić
Associate, University of Slavosnki Brod
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Integrated project delivery as integration between solution development and solution implementation
M Mihic, J Sertic, I Zavrski
Procedia-social and behavioral sciences 119, 557-565, 2014
Yield load solutions of heterogeneous welded joints
D Kozak, N Gubeljak, P Konjatić, J Sertić
International journal of pressure vessels and piping 86 (12), 807-812, 2009
Numerical and experimental strength analysis of fire-tube boiler construction
B Gaćeša, V Milošević-Mitić, T Maneski, D Kozak, J Sertić
Tehnički vjesnik 18 (2), 237-242, 2011
An estimation of sufficient impact toughness for the material of a turbine shaft
N Gubeljak, J PREDAN, D Kozak, J Tuma, B Kovačič, P Konjatić, J Sertić
Strojarstvo: časopis za teoriju i praksu u strojarstvu 51 (4), 263-271, 2009
Calculation of reaction forces in the boiler supports using the method of equivalent stiffness of membrane wall
J Sertić, D Kozak, I Samardžić
The Scientific World Journal 2014 (1), 392048, 2014
Theoretical determination of elasticity constants for steam boiler membrane wall as the structurally orthotropic plate
J Sertić, I Gelo, D Kozak, D Damjanović, P Konjatić
Moment 1, 8, 2013
Strojarstvo, 51 (4), 263-271
N Gubeljak, J Predan, D Kozak, J Tuma, B Kovačič, P Konjatić, J Sertić
Strojarstvo, 263, 2009
Homogenization of steam boiler membrane wall
J Sertić, D Damjanović, D Kozak, P Konjatić
7th ICCSM, International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics, 207-208, 2012
Influence of depth alignment of E-glass fiber reinforcements on dental base polymer flexural strength
D Vojvodić, D Kozak, J Sertić, K Mehulić, A Celebic, D Komar
Materials Testing 53 (9), 528-535, 2011
The Engineering Project Organization Society and megaprojects: literature analysis using keywords
A Ceric, J Sertić
Organization, technology & management in construction: an international …, 2019
Analytical and numerical investigation of elastic-plastic behaviour of the connecting pipes between header and steam superheater
J Sertić, D Kozak, P Konjatić, K Mato
6th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics, 119-119, 2009
Seismic action influence on the pressure parts of the watertube steam boiler construction
P Konjatic, S Dautovic, Z Ostojic, J Sertic
Machines. Technologies. Materials. 13 (5), 210-213, 2019
Influence of fatigue impact loading on radial carrier and rapping device fillet weld strength
J Sertić, I Samardžić, D Kozak, D Šimunić, I Gelo, D Bučević-Keran
Tehnički vjesnik 22 (2), 547-555, 2015
Knowledge requirements and market context for international construction industry
J Sertić, I Završki
Organization, technology & management in construction: an international …, 2010
LU-decomposition for solving sparse band matrix systems and its application in thin plate bending
J Sertic, D Kozak, R Scitovski
Transactions of FAMENA 32 (2), 41-48, 2008
Discussion of IC efficiency and organizational performance in construction industry
J Sertic, I Zavrski
Stress and Strain Analysis of the Spherical Pressure Vessel: Analytical and Numerical Approach
J Sertić, D Kozak
5th DAAAM International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Developing …, 2006
Optimal wall-thickness of the spherical pressure vessel with respect to criterion about minimal mass and equivalent stress
D Kozak, J Sertić
Annals of the Faculty of Engineering of Engineering Hunedoara 4, 4, 2006
Calculation of dynamic strength of heat exchanger modulus in horizontal boiler pass
J Sertić, D Kozak, D Damjanović, I Gelo
Interpreting Project Complexity-A Knowledge Based Approach
J Sertic, I Zavrski
26th IPMA World Congress, 171-171, 2012
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