Mauricio Diéguez-Rebolledo
Mauricio Diéguez-Rebolledo
Sonstige NamenMauricio Diéguez
Department of Computer Sciences and Informatics, Universidad de La Frontera
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Transparency and E-government in electronic public procurement as sustainable development
J Hochstetter, F Vásquez, M Diéguez, A Bustamante, J Arango-López
Sustainability 15 (5), 4672, 2023
Assessing transparency in eGovernment electronic processes
J Hochstetter, J Diaz, M Dieguez, R Espinosa, J Arango-López, C Cares
IEEE Access 10, 3074-3087, 2021
UMAM-Q: An instrument to assess the intention to use software development methodologies
M Diéguez, S Sepúlveda, C Cachero
7th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI 2012), 1-6, 2012
Mapping the variations for implementing information security controls to their operational research solutions
M Diéguez, J Bustos, C Cares
Information Systems and e-Business Management 18 (2), 157-186, 2020
Learning models for higher education in engineering: Motivation, self-determination, and the role of information and communication technologies
A Bustamante-Mora, M Dieguez-Rebolledo, Y Hormazabal, Y Valdes, ...
Sustainability 15 (17), 12869, 2023
Comparación de dos enfoques cuantitativos para seleccionar controles de seguridad de la información
M Diéguez, C Cares
Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, 113-128, 2019
AIM Triad: A Prioritization Strategy for Public Institutions to Improve Information Security Maturity
J Hochstetter-Diez, M Diéguez-Rebolledo, J Fenner-López, C Cachero
Applied Sciences 13 (14), 8339, 2023
EM-(RA)2: a tool support proposal for Learning Outcomes and the Teaching-Learning Process
S Sepúlveda, M Diéguez
2020 39th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society …, 2020
Desarrollando de habilidades blandas en etapas tempranas en la formación de Ingenieros de Software
E Vidal, R Gacitúa, M Dieguez
Revista Ibérica De Sistemas e Tecnologias De Informação, 423-436, 2020
Methodology for the information security controls selection
M Diéguez, C Cares, C Cachero
2017 12th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI …, 2017
Proposal to improve the E-commerce platform development process with an exploratory case study in Chile
P Monsalve-Obreque, P Vargas-Villarroel, Y Hormazabal-Astorga, ...
Applied Sciences 13 (14), 8362, 2023
Transparency and e-government in electronic public procurement as sustainable development. Sustainability, 15 (5): 46-72
J Hochstetter, F Vásquez, M Diéguez, A Bustamante, J Arango-López
Systematic literature review protocol. Learning-outcomes and teaching-learning process: a Bloom's taxonomy perspective
S Sepúlveda, M Diéguez, G Farías, C Cachero
arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.09489, 2019
On optimizing the path to information security compliance
M Diéguez, S Sepúlveda, C Cares
2012 Eighth International Conference on the Quality of Information and …, 2012
Diseño de un documento para la Elicitación y Especificación de requerimientos: Caso práctico
M Diéguez, S Sepúlveda, D Canullan
WorkShop International EIG 11, 2010
MASISCo—Methodological Approach for the Selection of Information Security Controls
M Diéguez, C Cares, C Cachero, J Hochstetter
Applied Sciences 13 (2), 1094, 2023
Forming software architects in early stages: From craft to engineering
BR Gacitúa, M Diéguez, E Vidal
2017 36th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society …, 2017
Evaluating the impact of developers’ personality on the intention to adopt Model-Driven Web Engineering approaches: an observational study
G Toala, M Diéguez, C Cachero, S Meliá
Web Engineering: 18th International Conference, ICWE 2018, Cáceres, Spain …, 2018
Analysis of Strategies for the Integration of Security Practices in Agile Software Development: A Sustainable SME Approach
Y Valdés-Rodríguez, J Hochstetter-Diez, M Diéguez-Rebolledo, ...
IEEE Access, 2024
Classification of Speech Acts in Public Software Tenders
J Hochstetter, C Díaz, M Diéguez, J Díaz, C Cares
IEEE Access 10, 41564-41573, 2022
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