Martin Vasina
Martin Vasina
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The acoustical properties of consolidated expanded clay granulates
M Vašina, DC Hughes, KV Horoshenkov, L Lapčík Jr
Applied Acoustics 67 (8), 787-796, 2006
Effect of filler particle shape on plastic-elastic mechanical behavior of high density poly (ethylene)/mica and poly (ethylene)/wollastonite composites
L Lapčík, D Maňas, B Lapčíková, M Vašina, M Staněk, K Čépe, J Vlček, ...
Composites Part B: Engineering 141, 92-99, 2018
Study of the sound absorption properties of 3D-printed open-porous ABS material structures
M Vasina, K Monkova, PP Monka, D Kozak, J Tkac
Polymers 12 (5), 1062, 2020
Study of carbon black types in SBR rubber: mechanical and vibration damping properties
M Pöschl, M Vašina, P Zádrapa, D Měřínská, M Žaludek
Materials 13 (10), 2394, 2020
High density poly (ethylene)/CaCO3 hollow spheres composites for technical applications
L Lapčík, D Maňas, M Vašina, B Lapčíková, M Řezníček, P Zádrapa
Composites Part B: Engineering 113, 218-224, 2017
Investigation of advanced mica powder nanocomposite filler materials: Surface energy analysis, powder rheology and sound absorption performance
L Lapčík, M Vašina, B Lapčíková, E Otyepková, KE Waters
Composites Part B: Engineering 77, 304-310, 2015
Mechanical vibration damping and compression properties of a lattice structure
K Monkova, M Vasina, M Zaludek, PP Monka, J Tkac
Materials 14 (6), 1502, 2021
Evaluation of various emulsifying salts addition on selected properties of processed cheese sauce with the use of mechanical vibration damping and rheological methods
RN Salek, M Vašina, L Lapčík, M Černíková, E Lorencová, P Li, F Buňka
LWT 107, 178-184, 2019
Effect of the pore shape and size of 3D-printed open-porous ABS materials on sound absorption performance
K Monkova, M Vasina, PP Monka, D Kozak, J Vanca
Materials 13 (20), 4474, 2020
Effect of 3D-printed PLA structure on sound reflection properties
K Monkova, M Vasina, PP Monka, J Vanca, D Kozak
Polymers 14 (3), 413, 2022
Hollow spheres as nanocomposite fillers for aerospace and automotive composite materials applications
L Lapčík, MJA Ruszala, M Vašina, B Lapčíková, J Vlček, NA Rowson, ...
Composites Part B: Engineering 106, 74-80, 2016
Determination of Undissolved Air Content in Oil by Means of a Compression Method.
A Bureček, L Hružík, M Vašina
Journal of Mechanical Engineering/Strojniški Vestnik 61, 2015
Study of bread staling by means of vibro-acoustic, tensile and thermal analysis techniques
L Lapčík, M Vašina, B Lapčíková, T Valenta
Journal of Food Engineering 178, 31-38, 2016
Evaluation of bulk modulus of oil system with hydraulic line
L Hružík, M Vašina, A Bureček
EPJ Web of Conferences 45, 01041, 2013
Physical characterization of the milk chocolate using whey powder
B Lapčíková, L Lapčík, R Salek, T Valenta, E Lorencová, M Vašina
LWT 154, 112669, 2022
The effect of furcellaran or κ-carrageenan addition on the textural, rheological and mechanical vibration damping properties of restructured chicken breast ham
Z Polášek, RN Salek, M Vašina, A Lyčková, R Gál, V Pachlová, F Buňka
Lwt 138, 110623, 2021
Study of the material engineering properties of high-density poly (ethylene)/perlite nanocomposite materials
L Lapčík, M Vašina, B Lapčíková, M Staněk, M Ovsík, Y Murtaja
Nanotechnology Reviews 9 (1), 1491-1499, 2020
Materials characterization of advanced fillers for composites engineering applications
L Lapčík, M Vašina, B Lapčíková, D Hui, E Otyepková, RW Greenwood, ...
Nanotechnology Reviews 8 (1), 503-512, 2019
Energy and dynamic properties of hydraulic systems
M Vašina, L Hružík, A Bureček
Tehnički vjesnik 25 (Supplement 2), 382-390, 2018
Non-stationary flow of hydraulic oil in long pipe
L Hružík, A Bureček, M Vašina
EPJ Web of Conferences 67, 02042, 2014
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