Ali Rezakhani
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Zitiert von
Quantum-process tomography: Resource analysis of different strategies
M Mohseni, AT Rezakhani, DA Lidar
Physical Review A 77 (3), 032322, 2008
Quantum metrology in open systems: Dissipative Cramer-Rao bound
S Alipour, M Mehboudi, AT Rezakhani
Physical Review Letters 112 (12), 120405, 2014
Quantum adiabatic brachistochrone
AT Rezakhani, WJ Kuo, A Hamma, DA Lidar, P Zanardi
Physical Review Letters 103 (8), 80502, 2009
Adiabatic approximation with exponential accuracy for many-body systems and quantum computation
DA Lidar, AT Rezakhani, A Hamma
Journal of Mathematical Physics 50 (10), 2009
Structural, magnetic, and optical properties of zinc-and copper-substituted nickel ferrite nanocrystals
FS Tehrani, V Daadmehr, AT Rezakhani, RH Akbarnejad, S Gholipour
Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 25 (7), 2443, 2012
Zeno effect for quantum computation and control
GA Paz-Silva, AT Rezakhani, JM Dominy, DA Lidar
Physical Review Letters 108 (8), 080501, 2011
Correlations in quantum thermodynamics: Heat, work, and entropy production
S Alipour, F Benatti, F Bakhshinezhad, M Afsary, S Marcantoni, ...
Scientific Reports 6, 35568, 2016
Quantum process tomography with coherent states
S Rahimi-Keshari, A Scherer, A Mann, AT Rezakhani, AI Lvovsky, ...
New Journal of Physics 13 (1), 013006, 2011
Intrinsic geometry of quantum adiabatic evolution and quantum phase transitions
AT Rezakhani, DF Abasto, DA Lidar, P Zanardi
Physical Review A 82 (1), 012321, 2010
Characterization of two-qubit perfect entanglers
AT Rezakhani
Physical Review A 70 (5), 052313, 2004
Shortcuts to adiabaticity in driven open quantum systems: Balanced gain and loss and non-Markovian evolution
S Alipour, A Chenu, AT Rezakhani, A del Campo
Quantum 4, 336, 2020
Accuracy versus run time in an adiabatic quantum search
AT Rezakhani, AK Pimachev, DA Lidar
Physical Review A 82 (5), 052305, 2010
Entropy production and non-Markovian dynamical maps
S Marcantoni, S Alipour, F Benatti, R Floreanini, AT Rezakhani
Scientific Reports 7, 12447 (2017), 2017
Structural phase of Y358 superconductor in comparison with Y123
S Gholipour, V Daadmehr, AT Rezakhani, H Khosroabadi, FS Tehrani, ...
Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 25 (7), 2253, 2012
Extended convexity of quantum Fisher information in quantum metrology
S Alipour, AT Rezakhani
Physical Review A 91 (4), 042104, 2015
Correlation picture approach to open-quantum-system dynamics
S Alipour, AT Rezakhani, AP Babu, K Mølmer, M Möttönen, T Ala-Nissila
Physical Review X 10 (4), 041024, 2020
General setting for a geometric phase of mixed states under an arbitrary nonunitary evolution
AT Rezakhani, P Zanardi
Physical Review A 73 (1), 012107, 2006
Generation of phase-covariant quantum cloning
V Karimipour, AT Rezakhani
Physical Review A 66 (5), 052111, 2002
Entropy-based formulation of thermodynamics in arbitrary quantum evolution
S Alipour, AT Rezakhani, A Chenu, A del Campo, T Ala-Nissila
Physical Review A 105 (4), L040201, 2022
Quantum discord and non-Markovianity of quantum dynamics
S Alipour, A Mani, AT Rezakhani
Physical Review A 85 (5), 052108, 2012
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