Francesca Chiaromonte
Francesca Chiaromonte
Professor of Statistics, Pennsylvania State University, Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies
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Initial sequencing and comparative analysis of the mouse genome
European Bioinformatics Institute: Birney Ewan 3 Goldman Nick 3 Kasprzyk ...
Nature 420 (6915), 520-562, 2002
Sequence and comparative analysis of the chicken genome provide unique perspectives on vertebrate evolution
Project management: Fulton Lucinda A. 1 Mardis Elaine R. 1 Wilson Richard K. 1
Nature 432 (7018), 695-716, 2004
Genome sequence of the Brown Norway rat yields insights into mammalian evolution
University of Utah Weiss Robert B. 14 Dunn Diane M. 14, ...
Nature 428 (6982), 493-521, 2004
Scoring pairwise genomic sequence alignments
F Chiaromonte, VB Yap, W Miller
Biocomputing 2002, 115-126, 2001
Complete Khoisan and Bantu genomes from southern Africa
SC Schuster, W Miller, A Ratan, LP Tomsho, B Giardine, LR Kasson, ...
Nature 463 (7283), 943-947, 2010
Evidence for sharp increase in the economic damages of extreme natural disasters
M Coronese, F Lamperti, K Keller, F Chiaromonte, A Roventini
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (43), 21450-21455, 2019
Contour regression: a general approach to dimension reduction
B Li, H Zha, F Chiaromonte
The Annals of Statistics 33 (4), 1580-1616, 2005
Covariation in frequencies of substitution, deletion, transposition, and recombination during eutherian evolution
RC Hardison, KM Roskin, S Yang, M Diekhans, WJ Kent, R Weber, ...
Genome research 13 (1), 13-26, 2003
Computational pan-genomics: status, promises and challenges
Briefings in bioinformatics 19 (1), 118-135, 2018
Qualitative network models and genome-wide expression data define carbon/nitrogen-responsive molecular machines in Arabidopsis
RA Gutiérrez, LV Lejay, A Dean, F Chiaromonte, DE Shasha, GM Coruzzi
Genome biology 8, 1-13, 2007
The genome-wide determinants of human and chimpanzee microsatellite evolution
YD Kelkar, S Tyekucheva, F Chiaromonte, KD Makova
Genome research 18 (1), 30-38, 2008
Erythroid GATA1 function revealed by genome-wide analysis of transcription factor occupancy, histone modifications, and mRNA expression
Y Cheng, W Wu, SA Kumar, D Yu, W Deng, T Tripic, DC King, KB Chen, ...
Genome research 19 (12), 2172-2184, 2009
Maternal age effect and severe germ-line bottleneck in the inheritance of human mitochondrial DNA
B Rebolledo-Jaramillo, MSW Su, N Stoler, JA McElhoe, B Dickins, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (43), 15474-15479, 2014
Evaluation of regulatory potential and conservation scores for detecting cis-regulatory modules in aligned mammalian genome sequences
DC King, J Taylor, L Elnitski, F Chiaromonte, W Miller, RC Hardison
Genome research 15 (8), 1051-1060, 2005
Envelope models for parsimonious and efficient multivariate linear regression
RD Cook, B Li, F Chiaromonte
Statistica Sinica, 927-960, 2010
Sufficient dimension reduction in regressions with categorical predictors
F Chiaromonte, RD Cook, B Li
The Annals of Statistics, 475-497, 2002
A genome-wide analysis of common fragile sites: what features determine chromosomal instability in the human genome?
A Fungtammasan, E Walsh, F Chiaromonte, KA Eckert, KD Makova
Genome research 22 (6), 993-1005, 2012
Heterogeneity, competition, and macroeconomic dynamics
F Chiaromonte, G Dosi
Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 4 (1), 39-63, 1993
What is a microsatellite: a computational and experimental definition based upon repeat mutational behavior at A/T and GT/AC repeats
YD Kelkar, N Strubczewski, SE Hile, F Chiaromonte, KA Eckert, ...
Genome biology and evolution 2, 620-635, 2010
Distinguishing regulatory DNA from neutral sites
L Elnitski, RC Hardison, J Li, S Yang, D Kolbe, P Eswara, MJ O'Connor, ...
Genome Research 13 (1), 64-72, 2003
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