Gereon Hüttmann
Gereon Hüttmann
Institut für Biomedizinische Optik, Universität zu Lübeck
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Mechanisms of femtosecond laser nanosurgery of cells and tissues
A Vogel, J Noack, G Hüttman, G Paltauf
Applied physics B 81, 1015-1047, 2005
Origin of retinal pigment epithelium cell damage by pulsed laser irradiance in the nanosecond to microsecond time regimen
R Brinkmann, G Hüttmann, J Rögener, J Roider, R Birngruber, CP Lin
Lasers in Surgery and Medicine: The Official Journal of the American Society …, 2000
Chromophore‐assisted light inactivation of pKi‐67 leads to inhibition of ribosomal RNA synthesis
R Rahmanzadeh, G Hüttmann, J Gerdes, T Scholzen
Cell proliferation 40 (3), 422-430, 2007
RPE damage thresholds and mechanisms for laser exposure in the microsecond-to-millisecond time regimen
G Schuele, M Rumohr, G Huettmann, R Brinkmann
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 46 (2), 714-719, 2005
Optimizing descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty using intraoperative optical coherence tomography
P Steven, C Le Blanc, K Velten, E Lankenau, M Krug, S Oelckers, ...
JAMA ophthalmology 131 (9), 1135-1142, 2013
In vivo optical imaging of physiological responses to photostimulation in human photoreceptors
D Hillmann, H Spahr, C Pfäffle, H Sudkamp, G Franke, G Hüttmann
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (46), 13138-13143, 2016
Aberration-free volumetric high-speed imaging of in vivo retina
D Hillmann, H Spahr, C Hain, H Sudkamp, G Franke, C Pfäffle, C Winter, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 35209, 2016
Imaging of human brain tumor tissue by near-infrared laser coherence tomography
HJ Böhringer, E Lankenau, F Stellmacher, E Reusche, G Huettmann, ...
Acta neurochirurgica 151, 507-517, 2009
On the possibility of high-precision photothermal microeffects and the measurement of fast thermal denaturation of proteins
G Huttmann, R Birngruber
IEEE Journal of selected topics in quantum electronics 5 (4), 954-962, 1999
Time‐domain and spectral‐domain optical coherence tomography in the analysis of brain tumor tissue
HJ Böhringer, D Boller, J Leppert, U Knopp, E Lankenau, E Reusche, ...
Lasers in Surgery and Medicine: The Official Journal of the American Society …, 2006
In vivo Fourier-domain full-field OCT of the human retina with 1.5 million A-lines/s
T Bonin, G Franke, M Hagen-Eggert, P Koch, G Hüttmann
Optics letters 35 (20), 3432-3434, 2010
Elevation of plasma membrane permeability by laser irradiation of selectively bound nanoparticles
C Yao, R Rahmanzadeh, E Endl, Z Zhang, J Gerdes, G Hüttmann
Journal of biomedical optics 10 (6), 064012-064012-8, 2005
Laparoscopic fluorescence detection of ovarian carcinoma metastases using 5‐aminolevulinic acid‐induced protoporphyrin IX
M Löning, H Diddens, W Küpker, K Diedrich, G Hüttmann
Cancer: Interdisciplinary International Journal of the American Cancer …, 2004
Multiphoton excitation of autofluorescence for microscopy of glioma tissue
J Leppert, J Krajewski, SR Kantelhardt, S Schlaffer, N Petkus, E Reusche, ...
Neurosurgery 58 (4), 759-767, 2006
Optimising deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (DALK) using intraoperative online optical coherence tomography (iOCT)
P Steven, C Le Blanc, E Lankenau, M Krug, S Oelckers, LM Heindl, ...
British Journal of Ophthalmology 98 (7), 900-904, 2014
Noninvasive optoacoustic temperature determination at the fundus of the eye during laser irradiation
G Schu¨ le, G Hu¨ ttmann, C Framme, J Roider, R Brinkmann
Journal of biomedical Optics 9 (1), 173-179, 2004
Chemical instability of 5-aminolevulinic acid used in the fluorescence diagnosis of bladder tumours
M Novo, G Hüttmann, H Diddens
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: biology 34 (2-3), 143-148, 1996
Holoscopy—holographic optical coherence tomography
D Hillmann, C Lührs, T Bonin, P Koch, G Hüttmann
Optics letters 36 (13), 2390-2392, 2011
Fiber optical shape sensing of flexible instruments for endovascular navigation
S Jäckle, T Eixmann, H Schulz-Hildebrandt, G Hüttmann, T Pätz
International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery 14, 2137-2145, 2019
Laser-based gene transfection and gene therapy
CP Yao, ZX Zhang, R Rahmanzadeh, G Huettmann
IEEE transactions on nanobioscience 7 (2), 111-119, 2008
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