Eyediap: A database for the development and evaluation of gaze estimation algorithms from rgb and rgb-d cameras KA Funes Mora, F Monay, JM Odobez
Proceedings of the Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications, 255-258, 2014
386 2014 Gaze estimation from multimodal kinect data KA Funes Mora, JM Odobez
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), 2012 IEEE …, 2012
166 * 2012 Geometric generative gaze estimation (G3E) for remote RGB-D cameras KA Funes Mora, JM Odobez
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2014
117 2014 A differential approach for gaze estimation G Liu, Y Yu, KAF Mora, JM Odobez
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 43 (3), 1092-1099, 2019
86 2019 Person independent 3d gaze estimation from remote rgb-d cameras KA Funes Mora, JM Odobez
Image Processing (ICIP), 2013 20th IEEE International Conference on, 2787-2791, 2013
73 * 2013 Gaze Estimation in the 3D Space Using RGB-D Sensors KA Funes-Mora, JM Odobez
International Journal of Computer Vision, 1-23, 2015
64 * 2015 A differential approach for gaze estimation with calibration. G Liu, Y Yu, KAF Mora, JM Odobez
BMVC 2 (3), 6, 2018
56 2018 Robust and accurate 3d head pose estimation through 3dmm and online head model reconstruction Y Yu, KAF Mora, JM Odobez
2017 12th ieee international conference on automatic face & gesture …, 2017
43 2017 HeadFusion: 360 Head Pose Tracking Combining 3D Morphable Model and 3D Reconstruction Y Yu, KAF Mora, JM Odobez
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 40 (11), 2653 …, 2018
38 2018 Who will get the grant? A multimodal corpus for the analysis of conversational behaviours in group interviews C Oertel, KA Funes Mora, S Sheikhi, JM Odobez, J Gustafson
Proceedings of the 2014 workshop on understanding and modeling multiparty …, 2014
37 2014 Deciphering the silent participant: On the use of audio-visual cues for the classification of listener categories in group discussions C Oertel, KA Funes Mora, J Gustafson, JM Odobez
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM on International Conference on Multimodal …, 2015
32 2015 Towards building an attentive artificial listener: On the perception of attentiveness in audio-visual feedback tokens C Oertel, J Lopes, Y Yu, KAF Mora, J Gustafson, AW Black, JM Odobez
Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Conference on Multimodal …, 2016
22 2016 A semi-automated system for accurate gaze coding in natural dyadic interactions KA Funes Mora, L Nguyen, D Gatica-Perez, JM Odobez
Proceedings of the 15th ACM on International conference on multimodal …, 2013
19 2013 Gaze Estimation in the 3D Space Using RGB-D Sensors-Towards Head-Pose and User Invariance. KAF Mora, JM Odobez
Int. J. Comput. Vis. 118 (2), 194-216, 2016
17 2016 Eyediap database: Data description and gaze tracking evaluation benchmarks KA Funes Mora, F Monay, JM Odobez
Idiap, 2014
14 2014 3D gaze tracking and automatic gaze coding from RGB-D cameras KA Funes Mora, JM Odobez
IEEE Conference in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Vision Meets …, 2014
7 2014 User-input apparatus, method and program for user-input KAF Mora
US Patent 10,444,831, 2019
4 2019 Method and system for gaze estimation J Odobez, G Liu, KAF Mora
US Patent App. 17/272,171, 2021
1 2021 Robust Face Descriptors in Uncontrolled Settings KA Funes Mora, C Schmid, J Verbeek, M Guillaumin
1 * Automated calibration method of a system comprising an external eye-tracking device and a computing device KAF Mora
US Patent App. 18/033,300, 2024