Senior Professor, University of delhi
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Software reliability assessment with OR applications
PK Kapur, H Pham, A Gupta, PC Jha
Springer, 2011
A multi-criteria optimization approach to manage environmental issues in closed loop supply chain network design
K Garg, D Kannan, A Diabat, PC Jha
Journal of Cleaner Production 100, 297-314, 2015
Product recovery optimization in closed-loop supply chain to improve sustainability in manufacturing
K Govindan, PC Jha, K Garg
International Journal of Production Research 54 (5), 1463-1486, 2016
Fuzzy criteria programming approach for optimising the TBL performance of closed loop supply chain network design problem
JD Darbari, D Kannan, V Agarwal, PC Jha
Annals of operations research 273, 693-738, 2019
An integrated decision making model for the selection of sustainable forward and reverse logistic providers
K Govindan, V Agarwal, JD Darbari, PC Jha
Annals of Operations Research 273, 607-650, 2019
Fuzzy multi-objective approach for optimal selection of suppliers and transportation decisions in an eco-efficient closed loop supply chain network
K Govindan, JD Darbari, V Agarwal, PC Jha
Journal of Cleaner Production 165, 1598-1619, 2017
Environmental management partner selection for reverse supply chain collaboration: A sustainable approach
K Govindan, PC Jha, V Agarwal, JD Darbari
Journal of environmental management 236, 784-797, 2019
Effect of product recovery and sustainability enhancing indicators on the location selection of manufacturing facility
K Govindan, K Garg, S Gupta, PC Jha
Ecological indicators 67, 517-532, 2016
Curcumin–pharmacological actions and its role in oral submucous fibrosis: a review
A AloK, ID Singh, S Singh, M Kishore, PC Jha
Journal of clinical and diagnostic research: JCDR 9 (10), ZE01, 2015
Structural model for analysis of key performance indicators for sustainable manufacturer–supplier collaboration: A grey‐decision‐making trial and evaluation laboratory‐based …
K Govindan, Aditi, J Dhingra Darbari, A Kaul, PC Jha
Business Strategy and the Environment 30 (4), 1702-1722, 2021
Business orientation policy and process analysis evaluation for establishing third party providers of reverse logistics services
Y Li, D Kannan, K Garg, S Gupta, K Gandhi, PC Jha
Journal of Cleaner Production 182, 1033-1047, 2018
Integrating disassembly line balancing in the planning of a reverse logistics network from the perspective of a third party provider
D Kannan, K Garg, PC Jha, A Diabat
Annals of Operations Research 253, 353-376, 2017
Barrier analysis for carbon regulatory environmental policies implementation in manufacturing supply chains to achieve zero carbon
D Kannan, R Solanki, A Kaul, PC Jha
Journal of Cleaner Production 358, 131910, 2022
Optimal testing resource allocation during module testing considering cost, testing effort and reliability
PC Jha, D Gupta, B Yang, PK Kapur
Computers & Industrial Engineering 57 (3), 1122-1130, 2009
Effect of introduction of fault and imperfect debugging on release time
PK Kapur, D Gupta, A Gupta, PC Jha
Ratio Mathematica 18 (1), 62-90, 2008
A DMAIC Six Sigma approach to quality improvement in the anodising stage of the amplifier production process
P Sharma, SC Malik, A Gupta, PC Jha
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management 35 (9), 1868-1880, 2018
An integrated optimization model for selection of sustainable suppliers based on customers’ expectations
VSS Yadavalli, JD Darbari, N Bhayana, PC Jha, V Agarwal
Operations Research Perspectives 6, 100113, 2019
Sustainable performance measurement of Indian retail chain using two-stage network DEA
N Pachar, JD Darbari, K Govindan, PC Jha
Annals of Operations Research 315 (2), 1477-1515, 2022
Optimal component selection based on cohesion & coupling for component based software system under build-or-buy scheme
PC Jha, V Bali, S Narula, M Kalra
Journal of Computational Science 5 (2), 233-242, 2014
An alternative formulation of innovation diffusion model and its extension
PK Kapur, AK Bardhan, PC Jha
Mathematics and information theory, 17-23, 2004
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